Nikki the Forgiver

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Nikki's POV

ok so the show was over and Randy and I were on the bus...
we didnt talk much kuz I was bussy on the computer typing the contracts for the "Sex Challenges" I was gonna make...

R: Nicole what are you DOING?!?!?

he came in yelling while messing up my hair..

N: oww stop Randy and im making some contracts..
R: Contracts? For what?!?
N: you will see

He began reading and was weirded out..

R: Nicole really?!? You really wanna bet on who gets kissed the most?
N: Not just that..

he began too read more and got mad at that one..

N: no but we dont have to do anything kuz once they take off your top you say you cant do it then leave... DUH!!!
R: Nicole this is stupid!!
N: no it isnt!! You think you are so hot and that every girl in that locker room likes you..
R: Kuz its true!!
N: ohh please honey everyone says youre a jerk and with this I will see who my real friends are.. and so will you
R: ok..
N: we will talk more about this with Paige kuz she is going to be the Official
R: like the referre?
N: yea.. somewhere there..
R: ok I guess
N: I love you!! Give me a kiss
R: ewww no go brush your teeth
R: ahahaha jk come here!!
N: you freaking asshole!!

Randy's POV

Ok Nicole has completely gone crazy!!! Since of what happened with Ronda its been weird!!  I mean we are not really fighting but it doesnt seem right idk I mean she is just completely fine with things and now, she is doing this weird thing...
I love this woman but I feel like she needs to calm down!!!

I was laying in bed and we were gonna have time to rest at our house this time.. we finally got a two day break!!! I was finally happy to go home....

I was on twitter and EVERYBODY is all of a sudden hating on Ronda!!! I feel like people are soo fake I mean everybldy had her back and now everyones turned on her.. All these jokes and memes about it are soo harsh!!! I decided to message her and ask her how she is...

RO: Hey how you doing Champ!!
RR: Hey Randy I thought I wouldnt hear from you again kuz of what happened and btw EX champ...
RO: Nah I talked with Nicole and I mean she cant control who I talk to and you and I make a great team and I really consider you a close friend even tho weve talked for a short amount of time..
RR: well thanks and well I mean im getting roasted out there.. Did you see all those comments?!?!?
RO: yea thats why I messaged you..
RR: ohh well yea I mean people are savages ahaha
RO: you can tepeat that ahahaha
RR: so hows Nicole doing?
RO: idk we are gonna have this competition that she is making I mean things have been pretty weird witj us since you know and we are not fighting but its just weird..

I waiting for a response from her when Nicole came in..

N: whatcha doing?
R: texting..
N: who if I may ask?
R: Ronda..
N: Randy...
R: look Nicole I live you baby but I do consider Ronda a friend of mine and I cleared the air with her and she is even worried about you.. she will be back with us in two weeks and you guys can talk then but PLEASE dont take this away from me..
N: ....
R: she needs a friends right now I mean have you seen all the mean things people are saying?!?
N: yes ive seen it and no dont worry I mean if its that important I wont burden in your friendship I just..
R: I love YOU Nicole.. YOU are the one I wanna be with forever..
N: well I mean you say this now but like what if you atart to like her?!?! I mean she is AMAZINGLY beautiful and strong and such a badass and..
R: Nicole you just described yourself right there and plus.. she doesnt have that nice boob job that you did on yourself.
R: ahahaha jk babe I love you soo much clme here!!!

She jumped on the bed and began to hit me with the pillows til I hugged her down...

R: hold on let me respond to Rowdy Ronda
N: tell her I say hie just soo that she can see that everything is cool..
R: ok

We ended up face timing with her and things got finally cleared out.. I can now breath!!!!

(Next Day)

Nikki's POV

I invited my girlys today so that they can all be witnesses to our challenge signatures...
We were finally at home and I was finishing my final touches..
Randy went out for his daughter and I was home alone bored... I thought of what Randy said yesterday so I decided to call Ronda and invite her aswell...

N: Hey Ronda!!
R: Hey Nicole..
N: so Randy and I are gonna make this challenge thing but its also a little party that we are gonna throw you know? A little get together and I was wondering ,if you were in town, if you wanted to come?
R: Uhhhh.. I would and I am in town but I have things to do..
N: cmon Ronda.. look what happened happened ad trust me its ok.. no hard feelings!!
R: really?!?
N: yea I mean it was a moment if desperatness and tbh.. I wouldve done the same if someone that admired and loved me soo much was with me that moment like Randy was..
R: well ok ill try, what time?
N: 7:00
R: ok ill try to be there and really im sorry Nicole I swear I...
N: No Ronda dont apoligize!!! we are fine.. Friends?!
R: ok Friends!!
N: ahaha ok well I have to go kuz Randy's daughter is coming and I wanna cook something fun for her..
R: ok well bie Nicole!!
N: bie Ronda

Well that was done and im REALLY glad.. Finally gonna show her not to mess with me..

HAHAHA JK!!!!!!!...


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