Eva Marie

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Randy's POV
I went on to look for Eva and she was no where to be found!!! I looked everywhere and found her in Corano's office..

E: hei baby
R: we gotta talk..
E: about?
R: us
E: what about us??
R: I cant donit anymore... I dont love you
E: Nicole wants nothing to di with you Randy just face it!!!
R: that doesnt concern you and we are trying to be together but you are in the way of our happiness
E: ok whatever then
R: thank you for understanding..

I gave her a hug and before I knew it she kissed me!!! I was kissing her back till I relized what I was doing and to my luck Nicole was there...

R: Nicole its not what it looks like!!
N: really kuz it seems that you were kissing her!!
E: done deny it Randy..

with that Eva left and Nicole was looking at me with teary eyes....

R: Nicole you have to beleive me
B: Nicole are you alright..

Nicole just bursted out crying when Brie asked that and left running.. Brie looked at me with such hate and she slapped me and started hitting me but Bryan pulled ger off of me...

B: stay away from my sister asshole!!!!!
DB: Brie!! calm down!!!

Nikki's POV

I couldnt beleive that he played me!!! I thought we were gonna give our relationship a chance but this time I thought that it would just be me and him....

I had all these things in my head and my phone kept ringing.... it was Brie.. I didnt want to answer I mean I thought it would be Randy looking for me but hes not even doing that... I was outside near the tour busses when John came by...

J: Nicole?!?!
N: ohh umm hey John

I wiped away the tears and teied to hide it but he wasnt stupid..

J: whats wrong
N: nothing im fine haha
J: Nicole cmon your eyes are res and swollen.. what happened was it something with Randy??

when he said that I let it all out and started to cry again...

N: I thought he was gonna change for me!!!!
J: what happened?!?!?
N: I saw him kiss Eva Marie!!
J: that son of a bitc...

he tried to walk away angry but I held in to him..

N: no John calm down pls..
J: Nicole look at you!!!!
N: I know you are trying to look out for me but you are nothing of mine and you have no buisness in my relationships John... im sorry

I could see the hurt in his eyes and he just kissed my forgead and walked away.. with that I got another call from Brie and I decided to answer it..

B: Nikki where are you...
N: Brie I wanna be left alone for right now...
B: Nicole pls...
R: NICOLE!!!!!

I saw him stars at me and I hung up the phone....

N: what do you want?!?!?
R: to explain...
N: you dont need to explain what I saw
R: Nico...
N: no Randy I mean it was stupid of us to think that we could ever be together like a normal couple I mean look at who we are and who our friends are...
R: what do you mean??
N: John is your best friend while Kelly was supposed to be one of mine..
R: but I love you Nicole and Eva kissed me I swear!!!!!!
N: I think we should just leave it here...
R: Nicole...
N: look Stephanie offered me to go on that UK tour and with that our story line would be cutting so I dont think that ot would be much of a problem for us to stay away from each other..
R: what am I supposed to now..
N: idk.. go out with Eva I mean she really likes you apperantly or get back with Kelly idk...
R: Nicole its stupid I mean you will be gone for like two weeks..
N: No Randy this is for 6 months!!
R: what?!?!?
N: it will be good for us pla just stay away from me...

I left crying and he just stood out there and I saw that Eva was eves dropping on our conversation....

Eva's POV

I cant beleive what I did I mean I did it all in a matter of seconds that I didnt realize that I was putting Randy in a trap and I couldnt help it I mean idk why I got feelings for him now I mean we were literally just friends with benefits but I mean he treated me right and he would take me to places... I guess thats hard to resist but I cant beleive Nicole just let him go I mean everybody knew they would sneak around with eachother exept Kelly and nobody dared to tell her.. then they broke there "relationship" off kuz Kelly cought them and truths started to come out... now that they have the chance, she tells him to stay away... i dont get it and I mean yea I kissed him right before she got there to provoke her but I thought that they would still get together I mean I really thought the kiss was as far as I was gonna get....


sorry that I havent uploaded and that these past chaptets have been lame but I have been bussy and I havent had time i will try to update a ling chapter tomorrow tho

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