Chapter thirty nine

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Xander's pov

I woke up in the morning and noticed that I was alone in bed. I wondered where Cassie was so early, but when I checked the time, I realized it was past eight in the morning. I had to get back to work today. Then, Cassie came out of the walk-in closet, already dressed for work.

"Hey," she said, and I looked at her with so much affection. "You look beautiful," I said.

She smiled at me. "Thank you," she said, and then she came over and kissed me.

When she pulled away, I wanted to pull her back to me and keep her in bed with me all day. "Shouldn't we just stay in today?" I suggested.

She looked at me with an amused expression. "Sounds tempting," she said, "but I have work, and so do you, mister." I pouted, and she laughed at me.

She then picked up her bag and kissed me goodbye, leaving for the office. I sighed, and then I saw a text from my assistant. I was needed at the office, it said. I was confused. I called her.

"Hello, Annie," I said. "Is everything okay?"

"Not really, sir," she said. "Your stepmother is here, and she's trying to change a lot of things."

"Dammit, that witch," I thought. "I thought I was through with her."

I hung up and took a quick shower, getting dressed. I went downstairs and saw my mom in the living room with my son.

She tried to serve me breakfast, but I wasn't in the mood to eat. I kissed my son and left for my office. When I got to the office, my employees congratulated me on my return, and there was a huge "Welcome Back" poster hanging in the lobby. "Back to work, everyone!" I heard Heather shout, and everyone returned to their duties.

I took her by the arm and led her into my office, closing the door. I looked at her, furious.

"Welcome back, Xander," she said, "It's nice to see you alive and well."

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. "As far as I know, you have no rights or shares in this company anymore."

"Oh, but you're wrong, sweetheart," she said. "This is my husband's company, and I own half of it."

"You sold your shares to Mr. Chang," I said. "You own nothing anymore, and you have no right to be here."

"That's where you're wrong, sweetheart," she said. "I have a lot more shares than what I sold, and they're all in names I borrowed. I only left because I wasn't interested in it, but since your kidnapping, I thought this company needed better management, and who better to provide it than me?"

"I still own majority shares," I said.

"Not for long," she said, her eyes shining with glee. "I hope to kick you off as chairman as soon as possible."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "You and I both know you don't care about the business and you don't know how to run it, so why are you doing this?"

"Because it's time I got my revenge for what you and your mother took from me," she said with a cruel smile. I was so disgusted and angry, I turned away from her and walked out of the office.

I called my lawyer and met him at a restaurant. I told him what had happened with Heather. It turned out she was telling the truth. She did have a huge percentage of shares, and if she were to buy more, she would become the majority shareholder. I couldn't let that happen. She knew nothing about running a business, and I couldn't let my father's hard work go to waste.

I sighed and went back to the company. Heather had called a board meeting, and I had to attend. She wanted to change our policies and lay off some staff to increase our profits, but I didn't agree with that. However, I lost, and she even pushed a motion for me to be removed as chairman. I was livid, but thankfully, most of the board members didn't agree with that. They thought I was a decent executive.

"Stop what you're doing, Heather," I said, after the board members had left. "It's not fair."

"Oh, I'm only just getting started, dear," she said, her eyes shining with malice. "You and your mother deserve nothing from my husband. I will take back everything you stole and make you both return to the streets where you belong." With that, she left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I went home and told my mother about Heather's return and how she was trying to take over the company and get me fired as chairman.

"I thought we were rid of that witch a long time ago," my mother said.

I sighed. "I really can't deal with this right now, Mom. When everything is finally great and peaceful, she has to come back and ruin everything."

"So what are you going to do?" my mother asked.

"If she doesn't stop, then I'll just have to find a way to beat her," I said.

My mother nodded, and then Cassie came in. "Hey," she said, hugging me. "You're back early."

"Yeah," I said and took her bag. "How was work?"

" it was fine," she answered smiling.  " Everything is finally good". I smiled at her and hoped everything remains peaceful and good forever.

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