Author's Note

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This book will be somewhat like the Fast movies, but in my own way. I watched the movies so many times so I know how they are. I'm going to be improvising a lot of how they would be if they were in a relationship. Brian will be a little bisexual bottom. We can all admit Dom will be the top. We all know Toretto is a lot gay for Brian.

This is what I wanted to say...all these books I have besides the ones I've finished I'm going to probably start back uploading once I get over my writer's block from them. I started this book I'm writing now months ago, but finally want to publish it. My Wenclair book will start being updated when Season 2 of 'Wednesday' is here for the ones waiting. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy this story cause I am so far. So far I have chapter 1, and soon there will be more.

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