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Ramsey and Han's bond was strong but not in the way they thought. Han was had strong feelings for the hacker but at the same time Han had feelings for Gisele and for some reason his love for her won't leave cause it feels like she's lingering around him and will haunt him if he ever dated anyone else.

Han had also saw Ramsey as his little sister, but not by blood if you know what he means. Han is very confused by his own actions as he put their relationship on hold. Ramsey and Han were at their house as they talked and was listening to one another as a car pulled up and they both got their guns out.

When Han recognized the type of car that the person had he quickly dropped his weapon and went to the car door to see the one and only Gisele step out of the vehicle and he quickly hugged her, and Ramsey was very confused by this.

Ramsey: "Who is that Han?" She asked as she looked at Gisele suspiciously. Han smiles as he kisses Gisele's cheek and turned to face Ramsey. "Ramsey, I'd like you to meet Gisele." Ramsey was shocked, she heard so many stories about her and they all ended up with her dying to protect Han.

Ramsey: "You're Gisele?" She questioned as she scratched her head. Gisele walked up to Ramsey as she stood at around 5'10, she held her hand out for Ramsey to shake and she shook it.

Gisele: "Yeah I am, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ramsey smiles, it wasn't a fake smile, she was just unsure on how she should react. "Likewise." The women shook hands as Han smiles, "I'm glad you two ladies met." Gisele was just glad that she found him after so long of searching and asking people questions.

Han: "I'm still up for Tokyo." He said facing Gisele, and Gisele smiled as she remembered what he said all those years ago. "You remembered?" She blurted out. Han had nodded while he stared at her, "Of course, although I kinda went without you and faked my death."

Gisele: "How did you do that?" Han laughed at her question, "Mr. Nobody helped me." Ramsey was so lost at the moment she just decided to get them some alone time. "Mr. Nobody?" Gisele laughed. Han nodded as he smiled as he kissed her fully on the lips, "I miss you Gisele, I think about you every day wishing I can change what happened." Gisele smiled and kissed him back, "I know."

Han: "How did you survive? Although, I'm happy you're alive I just need to know." Gisele kissed him once more before she started speaking, "It's a lot." After telling him, Hans was shocked as he looked around for Ramsey, "Hold on for a minute Gisele." Gisele nodded as Hans went in the house and saw Ramsey. "Ramsey, can I speak to you for a moment?" Ramsey looked up, shocked to see him as she nodded for him to speak.

Han: "I like you, but not in the way you think." Ramsey was confused until she remembered the situation they were in. "It's okay Han if you're still in love with her to be honest, I knew that love you had for her never died."

Han: "It didn't, I promise I love you but like in a sibling way." Han felt relieved to say that because he really didn't want to break her heart in the first place and some weight was lifted off of his chest.

Ramsey: "It's okay, I know. I knew you weren't going to let her go, considering how strong your love is for her. I understand." Han nods as he wipes his face, "Thank you, and I know you will find someone who truly loves you." Ramsey nodded as they hugged.

Why is the bold not working?

Anyways, this is the end of this story and I'm sorry if it's short and bad I was rushing it I'm not gonna lie. I also want to thank you guys for 1k cause you guys are amazing. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far because I am, and feel free to comment, vote, follow, comment errors and suggestions if you want.

I also want to say that this chapter was intentionally supposed to be only Gisele, Ramsey, and Hans. It was for a special someone, who's been supporting me from day 1 with this book, and I want to thank her and you guys for all the support and love! I'll try my best to make book 2 if I have ideas. But that is it, once again I'm really sorry it's short.

I also need comments on what ship that I know of should go to my next ship book.

Goodbye my Wattpad friends and see you next time!🧡(Thanks so much for 1k!)

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