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Brian: "Hey Dom..." Dom turns around to see Brian and throws a punch at him, but Brian expected it and dodged it.
Dom: "What are you doing here, O'Connor?"
Brian: "I came to say sorry, I came to say sorry to you and Mia, you especially."

Brian's heart was beating really fast, expecting another punch but it didn't happen. Dom looked at Brian for a moment, and seen how hurt and scared his face was.
Dom: "O'Connor, don't you dare play me again. Don't you dare play me and my family again. Don't forget what you did to all of us."

Brian nods, "Don't forget I let you go that day." Dom scoffs, "Am I supposed to congratulate you, am I supposed to clap for you? You want a fucking reward or something?"

Brian looks at Dom as he tries not to cry, he has to show Dom that he's strong, and he doesn't let his emotions control him. Dom looks at Brian for a moment and remembered everything Brian has done for him, even when he was an undercover cop. Dom shakes Brian's hand, "Welcome back, O'Connor." Brian couldn't believe his ears.

Brian: "It's great to be back." Brian smiles as he looks at Dom, still shaking his hand until Dom lets his hand go. "How's it being a cop? I heard a lot of crazy things going on."
Brian: "I wouldn't know since I'm not a cop anymore." Dom gives Brian a look, and he smiles brightly.

Dom: "Is that right? You just up and quit, just like that?"
Brian: "Yep. Just like that." Brian repeats. "I quit as soon as I let you go."
Dom: "Good for you, O'Connor."
Brian: "You know you can call me Brian, like you used to." Dom gives Brian another look but he just smiles as he stared at Brian. "I don't know about that, I like O'Connor more." Dom teases.

Brian: "Still the same old Toretto." Dom chuckles, "Oh is that right?" Brian chuckles as he nods. Dom looks at him, watching him closely as he remembers Brian's laugh.

Dom: "I guess I could say you're the same O'Connor." Brian unexpectedly hugs Dom, Brian didn't even expected himself to have the courage to do it since Dom isn't much of a hugger unless you're his lover. But the most shocking thing of all was when Brian felt strong big arms around him.

Dom chuckles at Brian's reaction, "I know my muscles are big, but I didn't know the Buster was craving it." Brian blushes deeply. "Shut up. I just missed you is all." Dom nods, understanding.

"I missed you too, Buster." Brian groaned at the nickname but he's also happy because he's never heard Toretto admit missing someone. As they were lost in each other's embrace Brian notices a car in the distance. "Nice car, where did you get it? It doesn't seem like your type though." Dom looks down as they finally let go of one another.

"What is my type, Brian?" Brian blushes as he looks at Dom as he stutters. "I-I mean, y-you love m-muscle cars. Do you not, anymore?" Dom chuckles at his stuttering. "I still do, but this isn't mine. It's my dad's. He lent it to me, but I never used it." Brian nods. "I see it needs fixing a little bit more. You want help?" Brian said.

"Sure. I don't mind." Brian nods as he raised the hood of the car. "It's got a nice engine, is this a '69 mustang?" Dom looks at Brian for a moment before answering, "Yeah it is. It's a classic isn't it?"

Brian: "Hell yeah it is. I bet your dad was awesome." Dom chuckles at him. "Yeah, he was." Brian smiles as he starts fixing up the car. Brian didn't hear anything come out of Dom's mouth so he stared at him until Dom found out and stared at him until they heard footsteps.

Brian turns around to see Mia, Mia quickly runs to Brian as she hugs him. "Brian." Brian smiles, "Mia." Beside Mia was Letty as Brian hugged her.

"We missed you, Buster." Letty said. Brian smiles as Mia kisses his cheek.

Dom: "Tell him the news, Letty." Brian looks at Dom and then back at Letty. "What news? Are you pregnant?" Brian smiles brightly as Letty laughs. "No, we're getting married." Brian smiles as he hugs Letty again, "I'm so happy for you two." There was a big lump in Brian's throat but he quickly tossed it out the window trying to be happy for them both.

Mia: "Welcome back, Brian." Brian smiles, "It's good to be back, back home." Letty walks to Dom as she kisses him and then she turns to look at Brian. "Me and Mia are going out as us girls, you guys should go for a drive." Brian nods agreeing to the idea. Dom smiles, "Don't hype the Buster up now, he just got back. But I'm fine with it."

Brian: "I know I am. Let's go." Brian gets in his car as he puts on his seatbelt and waits for Dom. Dom takes out his Walkie Talkie from the back, "You ready for this, Buster?" Brian chuckles as he takes his Walkie Talkie out. "Ready as I'll ever be."

They honked bye to the girls as they took off. Brian swerves his car real hard but gets back on the road.

Brian(On the Walkie Talkie): "I missed this." Dom smiles as he puts the Walkie Talkie to his mouth, "So did I." Brian smiles as they continued driving for about an hour straight. Brian sped up with his nitro quickly catching up to Dom, Dom looks at his mirror as he seen Brian drive by. 'Too early.' Dom thought to himself.

Dom then pressed the nitro button as he sped past Brian as he swerved and turned his car to slid, and Brian did the same but when they came to a stop, Brian hit his head on the steering wheel but not hard enough to hurt himself. "Damn it." Brian said.

"Let's go back home Buster, dinner will be starting soon." Dom said on the Walkie Talkie. Brian started his car back up to drive home, as Toretto trailed behind him.

I know some of this isn't right, but if you read the Author's Note you should know why the story is like this. Other than that I hope y'all enjoyed Chapter 1 cause I know I did. I got a feeling about this book. Please share your ideas, and how you feel about the book so far, and the chapter. I'll post chapter 2 soon. Thank you for clicking on this book. Please vote, comment, and follow me. Thank you once again! I'm back!!!❤️ Also, I'm not the best writer so please tell me if you see some errors.

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