The Guessing Game

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The weeks were going slower than ever, but it didn't stop Toretto from asking Brian who's his crush, and to get a hint from the younger man, and any hint will do as long as it was useful. Dom felt like he was closer every time, but then Brian tells him no which throws him back off track and he has to start all over again.

Dom and Brian went out racing just the two of them because usually when racing Brian will let a lot of stuff slip from his mouth when he's worried about beating Dom, and this also made Brian realize what mistake he made, because he's going to have to tell Toretto eventually because of that deal they made.

But he still has a full 2 weeks left before that happens. Brian and Dom then drove back home, pulling into the driveway and you can guess it Toretto is still trying to guess. Brian just wants to know why he wants to know so bad, and Toretto doesn't even know why he wants to know so bad.(I hope y'all kinda understood this because I kinda confused myself😭)

Brian looked at Toretto, "Hey Dom..." Dom looked at Brian. "What's up?" Brian looked around, "Have you heard of Vince yet, did he get out of bed yet?" This made Dom stand up and went to his bedroom, "Vince." Dom looked around and didn't see him in sight. Brian popped up behind Dom and it made him jump, "Jesus Brian."

This made Brian giggle, "Sorry." Dom looked at him, "It's okay, but Vince isn't here." Brian then heard a car pulled up in the driveway as they walked outside and saw Vince exiting the vehicle with his arms up.

Vince: "An I in trouble boys?" Brian scoffs as Dom just looked at him with his most famous mad face. "Tell us where you're going next time...who knows if you're going to pull that shit all over again." This cause Vince to look at Dom with the most hurt feeling ever. "Are you fuckin' serious Toretto? That was years ago please let it go."

Dom looked at Brian and then turned to Vince, "I don't care how long ago it was, it still happened." Dom spoke with venom in his voice, "Jesus Dom, it wasn't that bad." Brian tried to calm Dom down. "D-Dom...calm down. It's not worth it." Dom looked at Brian, "Calm down? Calm down? I'm fucking calm Brian!" This made Brian scared, but Vince didn't say anything as he just listened to Dom, and Dom took a swing at him and he hit him.

Vince: "Dom..." Vince started bleeding from his nose once again, "Shut up Vince, this is your last chance." Dom said putting the emphasis on "your"

Brian: "You okay Dom?" Dom nodded quickly and Vince just scoffed, "You shittin me right O'Connor?" Brian looked at him with confusion, "Don't act so confused you know what I'm talking about. It's so fucked up how I'm the one bleeding, but you're asking Toretto if he's okay? Like he's the fucking one bleeding."

Brian: "You jealous or somethin?" Vince looked at him and tried to punch him, but Dom pushed him before he could. "Fuck you Dom, and fuck you to O'Connor. You letting your boyfriend fight all your battles." Brian blushed madly and looked at Dom, and it was true he love Dom in that way and he love when his muscles flex especially when he's fighting.

Dom: "You okay Brian?" Brian nodded, "T-Thank you.." Dom nodded but was confused about his behavior, and looked at Vince. "Pull that shit again, and you'll be packing your shit."

Vince: "Dom, you can't be fucking serious." Dom looked at him harshly, "I told you can take that violence shit out there. I'm sure there's someone out there who likes fights, but me, I don't." Vince scoffs as he bumps into Brian walking to his bedroom, "Whatever man."

Brian: "Has he always been like this?" He asked looking at Dom as they sat at the table drinking beers. "Not this violent, but I think it's always been there." Brian nods, "Okay."

Dom: "And don't forget something to clean your nose." He yelled out, "Yeah whatever." Vince said.

Alright this is the end of the chapter, and now this officially one of my shortest but I ran out of ideas for this chapter but more will be out soon. I really appreciate the reads on this story it means a lot. I forgot to post one about the 100+ reads but here I am now so if you guys enjoyed please follow, comment, vote and share.(I actually don't remember if I posted it so thanks for 100+ reads and if I didn't here it is now)

If you also have any recommendations or you saw any errors let me know in the comments but besides that I got to go to school tomorrow, and Spring Break is over and I'll keep posting whenever I can but more coming soon!!!

I hope y'all are enjoying it so far like I am, but thanks for reading!!! Goodbye my Wattpad friends, bye!!!🧡(Also Happy St. Patrick's Day)

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