Coming Out

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2 months had passed and Roman and Tej's relationship was still in secret. Tej didn't want to keep it a secret, and wanted to tell everyone about them but it was kinda hard to do at the same time. Besides that Dom and Letty are going to be Husband and Wife in four months, and Letty and Mia's relationship was also still in secret.

Tej and Roman made a plan to come out to the team when it's dinner time, and if they counted it right this will be there 5 time trying to tell the team. The other 5 attempts didn't work because they chickened out and didn't know for sure how the team will react.

Back in Barstow, Roman felt like he could tell Brian everything but this one pansexual thing was bringing him all the way down. Rome always had a thing for men and women, but more women. Rome has a type when it comes to the men, and surprisingly(not) Tej was one of them.

Roman told Tej he felt a thing for him when he first met him but he didn't know if it was just a thing for wanting to be him, or he wanted to be with him. All Roman knows is that he wants to be with Tej for the rest of his life.

Tej on the other hand felt all kinds of things for Roman, Tej just wanted to come out already and get it over with but at the same time he didn't wanted to rush things for Roman and himself. Tej realized his feelings for Roman every time Brian brought him around, and he knew he still had a thing for Suki but on the other hand Suki realized his feelings for Rome and she understood, and she completely gave him her support.

Suki told Tej that she will always love him, but maybe as friends since she had a thing for another guy, until this day Tej still doesn't know who she's talking about but Tej knew about his bisexuality when he had his first crush in high school.

Tej and Roman were listening in on the plan that Dom and Brian had set up. As soon as that was over everyone was on their way to the Toretto home.

At the Toretto Home

Everyone parked in the driveway and got into their seats. Tej and Rome exchanged another look at one another as they think of how to tell the team.

Once the food was done and everyone had things on their plate and talking, Roman had decided to tell the team now. Rome tapped his cup with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

Roman: "Can I get everyone's attention please?" The team looked at Roman confused as to what he needed their attention for.

Dom: "Everyone shush, and let Rome talk." This made Rome smile and so he took a deep breath, and looked at Tej, Tej had stood up and was sitting there beside him as he rubbed his shoulder to confront him, and while doing that he whispered something, "You can do this Roman. I'll always stay with you. Doesn't matter what the team will say." This made Rome feel good to tell them. Rome looked at the team and took and a deep breath as he looked at everybody. "Me and Tej are a couple."

Everyone was looking around and talking to the others. "W-We just wanted to say that we don't care if-if you kick us out, we'll still have each other." Roman kisses Tej on the cheek and everyone looked at them.

Dom: "Some of y'all owe me $25." This made Tej and Roman confused, "I made the same deal as you Dom so I don't owe you nothin'." Letty and Mia looked at Brian and Dom as they handed them $25.

Tej: "Y-You betted on us?" He said confused. "Yeah we knew you guys were going to be together eventually, and we fully support you guys." Brian said and Tej smiles as he hugged him. "Thank you man that means a lot coming from you." Rome joined in on the hug with Tej, Brian, and Dom, Mia and Letty soon joined afterwards. When everyone pulled away and started to cheer Vince finally started talking.

Vince: "You a fuckin' faggot now?" Everyone looked at Vince angrily, "What? I'm just stating the truth." Dom had punched Vince in the face, "You say anything else homophobic you'll be out here before you could even blink." This made Vince scoff, "You support this shit Dom, or maybe you're apart of it?" Dom grabs Vince's collar as the other watch.

Brian: "Dom...stop." Dom looks at Brian, "Look at the Buster tryna save lives." Vince chuckled with blood in his teeth. "I ain't trying to save you, I'm trying to stop Dom from ruining our family time." This made Dom lets go of Vince after he realized how long he was staring at Brian, he tend to do that a lot.

Dom: "Did anyone say grace?" He asked looking around and everyone begin laughing besides Vince. "Someone say grace." Dom said looking at Brian, Brian sighed as he begin to say grace. While doing that Dom was thinking about the other times he stared at Brian for so long. Why does he stare at this kid so much? He remembered vividly before Jesse died the kid used to ask so many questions and one of them was, "Are you and Brian together?"

He couldn't understand why Jesse would even ask that, and what made him think that. "Amen." Dom looked at the team as they begin eating. Letty wanted to sit with Mia today which is odd since she's usually on his lap, all Dom could do was shrug because he's not in it today.

Brian: "So Dom...did you and Letty want some kids?" Brian asked trying to make conversation. Dom looks at Brian for a moment and chuckled, "Where did this come from?" Brian shrugged and continued to eat his Mac and cheese. "Oh nothing. I was just being curious and wanted to ask for the longest.

Dom: "Well I mean I do, but that's completely up to Letty as well." Brian nodded at his answer as he begins to think that there's no hope that Dom likes him one bit. "Well I'm sure she does, and the Toretto name will live on." Dom nodded, "Yeah."

2 Hours Later

Everyone left besides Letty, Dom, and Brian, and of course Vince is still there because he has no where else to go and those were his words exactly. Letty and Dom had shared a kissed, and it made Brian jealous but he tried not to show it.

Dom: "You know Brian I meant to ask you somethin'." This made Brian look up, "Like what?" Dom chuckles as Letty walked to their shared bedroom. "Did you get you a girl?" This made Brian blushed, "Not really." Tej and Roman made him realize that Dom supports gay rights, so maybe he can come out as well. He definitely feels much better to come out and confess his feelings for Dom.

Dom: "I don't believe that." Brian rubbed his neck, "Well...they did tried to ask me, but I turned them down once I realized I have a crush on this person." Dom nodded, "And who is this person may I add?" Brian was blushed madly, "I-I mean I don't even know if they feel the same way about me." This made Dom smile, "What's not to like about you?" Brian smiles as Dom said that, "Yeah... what's not to like."

Dom: "Who is it though?" Brian shakes his head, "Oh I would tell you, but I have to let you guess first." Dom chuckled, "Fine. Give me 2 weeks, and if I don't find out you have to tell me and the team."

Brian: He nodded his head, "Deal." This made Dom smile as he shook Brian's hand and went to bed. Brian went to his bed as well making sure Vince is where he's supposed to be. Brian had no idea what he got himself up to, and Dom knows that. Sometimes the Buster doesn't think to use his brain, and Dom chuckled at that.

The End!! Don't worry it's not the end of the story it's just end of the chapter. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and like my book so far because I like it. If you have any suggestions, or you saw errors, or you just want to say how much you like the book please comment.

Also please note that this story may stay unedited if I get the energy to fix the errors! But besides that...

I hope you enjoyed this book please vote, follow, and share with your friends. Until next time my Wattpad friends! Bye!🧡🏳️‍🌈

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