Turbulent Waters

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When Gisele finally meet up back with the team, everything was almost complete. There was one more task that had to be done, and that was to let Brian and Dom have some alone time. Dom was so oblivious to the fact that Brian had a crush on him, but he knew he felt something for the blond other than their brotherly love. He felt a strange attraction to the Buster and he couldn't explain it.

Dom and Brian went into the city as Toretto drove his car to one of the fancy places he had taken Letty, and he decided to treat Brian with the same kind of treatment. Once they arrived, they exited out of Toretto's car and walked inside the restaurant and was greeted by the Hostess as she lead them to their seats.

Brian had looked around at the place and he had a loss of words as he noticed how fancy and expensive the place looked.

Brian: "How did you find this place, Dom?" Dom had chuckled as his eyes lingered onto Brian's. Brian had blushed, but Dom didn't noticed because he looked away too quickly.

Dom: "Well, I used to take Letty all the time before she had 'died'." Brian then nodded showing he understood, after Letty's 'death' everyone wasn't the same because they all lost that spark once Letty was 'gone.'"

Brian had then thought about her funeral in that moment when he was still a cop and had a hard time trying to protect the family from the cops, even if he was one himself. He thought he would never forgive himself for causing her 'death' but after she came back and her memories flooded back into her brain he felt a sense of happiness, and forgave himself.

Brian spoke up after being silent for a while.

Brian: "It's amazing here Toretto, but why did you bring me here?" He said. He obviously was happy to considered this as a date in his own mind even if Toretto didn't share the same feelings, but to be honest he wouldn't have it either other way as a friend and a brother.

Dom: "I brought you here because I feel a certain way towards you, O'Connor, but I don't know what this feeling is or what it means."

Brian blushed as he looked at Toretto and listened to his words. Could it be that Dom finally feels the same way as Brian does? He thought.

Brian: "Can you try to explain to me what you're feeling, Toretto?" Brian wanted to know the truth or how Dom really feels about him.

Dom: "It's like I have a desire to protect and keep you safe as part of the family, but there's something more than that." Brian's eyes rapidly blinked in surprise; it was safe to say he was shocked.

Brian: "And how long have you been feeling this way?" He was curious. Who wouldn't be? It's Torretto. Toretto might be in love with the ex-cop.

Dom: "I...I think it's when-well it's a bad thing to say-but I think it's when Letty 'died', and when she was finally out of the picture, I felt a certain weight lifted off my chest. You know what I mean?" Toretto said as he scanned Brian's big blue eyes to see his reaction to all this.

Brian: "It's not a bad thing to say, Toretto. And I don't mean this in a bad way, but what if, when she finally 'died', you felt that way because you been lost feelings for her a while ago but never noticed until after the break up." Brian felt like Toretto's therapist in this moment.

Before Dom could protest what did Brian mean by that, the hostess had their foods in their hands and placed each beside them.

Brian and Dom: "Thanks." They said at the same time. The hostess smiled, "You're welcome boys, enjoy your meal." She said walked to the other table to see if they are okay.

Brian: "Do you want to say the prayer this time?" Dom chuckled as he nodded.

Dom: "God, for the first time in a long time, I truly feel happy-happy to be with my family, happy to be next to my brother. I'm happy that Gisele made it out okay when we all thought she was gone. Thank you for being with us, and continue to stay with us until the end of our time. Amen."

Brian: "Amen." He said as he raised his head, his eyes immediately locked onto Dom's. He then blushed and began to eat.

Dom: "How's the food?" He asked after a while of being in silence.

Brian: "Oh, it's good, thanks. How's yours?" He smiled as he drank his tea.

Dom: "It's good, but it's making me miss the food at home." Brian nodded in agreement.

Brian: "Yeah, me too. But it's nice to talk to each other alone again." Dom nodded as he listened and ate.

After finished eating, they grabbed their things and headed back to Dom's car. A few minutes later on the road, some cars raced by as they zoomed past.

Dom: "Street racers," he said as he looked at Brian. "How long has it been since we did that?"

Brian: "Not too long, but it felt like a long time. But if you're asking for a beaten, why didn't you just say so?" Toretto chuckled as his looked at Brian with a smirk as he stopped the car.

Dom: "You sure you can handle that, Brian?" Brian huffed as he faced Dom.

Brian: "Yes, Dom, is that a problem?" Dom was looking at Brian with his iconic stare and he couldn't stop laughing.

Dom: "Oh really? The Buster thinks he can beat me?" He chuckled as he didn't say anything else and continued driving to the house. After 10 minutes had passed, they made it home as Dom pulled the car into the driveway. They soon exited the car and joined everybody else.

Mia, Letty, Roman, Tej, and Vince were there. This is home, this is their home and family.


Alright I am officially done with this chapter and I have 3 more and I'll be completely done. I just wanted to say thanks so much for the support and I appreciate it so much! I will be back posting to a normal schedule if I can if I'm not babysitting but besides that I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please vote, follow, share, and comment your ideas. I also want to let you guys know that I might go back one day to fix my mistakes, and if you see any on here please let me know. Thank you all for 2k reads and I'll see you guys next time!! Bye Wattpad friends!!🧡

Don't forget to comment your suggestions!!! Suggestions for this book and books in the future. My next book will be Hobbs x Shaw, but I have to rewatch Hobbs and Shaw movie so I can study their tension and how their characters are. But this is the last bye!! Thanks!!🧡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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