Not the Toretto You Thought

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Letty and Mia were in Mia's bedroom and they were kissing until Mia pulled away.

Mia: "We have to tell him Letty." Letty looked at Mia and nodded, "I know, and we will." She kisses Mia's cheek. "And when will we? He's going to find out eventually if we keep this up." Letty looked at her, "I'll tell him because we're going to get married soon in 3 weeks."

Mia: "Thank you Letty." Letty nods as Dom walked in the door, not noticing Mia until he looked around. "Mia, what are you doing in here?" He asked, Mia looked at Dom and stuttered, "U-Uh, me and Letty were just having a girls conversation." Dom nods, seeming to believe her.

Dom: "Well, me and Brian are going to race." He said. The girls nodded but then remembered, "What about Vince?" Mia asked, and Letty nodded her head.

Dom: "He said he was going out with friends, but I don't know. Y'all know the drill. If he comes back, watch him please." The girls nodded as Dom kissed Mia's forehead and Letty's cheek as he left with Brian.

Letty: "So we're basically man-sitting if he comes back." Mia chuckles and nods, "Yeah, but it's not too bad. Plus they need to get out some more, and we've been gone a lot on them lately." Letty nods, "Yeah. You're right."

As the girls were talking about what they should do about telling Dom the truth about their relationship, they heard a car pull up as they exited Letty and Dom's room.

Vince: "What's up ladies. Where's Toretto and O'Connor." The girls exchanged a look at one another before Letty starts speaking. "Why do you wanna know?" She looks at him suspiciously. "I need to know, because I need to fuckin' know where the hell he is." Mia looks at Vince, "Now Vince, you know Dom doesn't like when you try to cut his plans."

Vince: "Why would I want to cut his plans?" Mia looks at him as she sighs, "Vince, I suggest you stop fucking talking." Vince looked at her furiously.

"And am I supposed to take orders from you since your Dom's bitch? No thanks, no lady is going to be in charge of me." Letty chuckled and rolled her eyes, "I suggest you listen to her, Vince." Vince chuckles, "Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?"

Letty: "It depends on how you would take it." Letty said, "You're not gonna fuckin' do anything to me, you bitch. I know your secret." Mia was stunned as she looked at Letty, "What secret? I ain't got one." Vince scoffed, "I'm kiddin'. You must really got a secret then? If you reacted that way. I do know something..."

Mia: "Tell us." Letty looked at her before she agreed as well." Vince looked at them and chuckled, "I think Toretto and O'Connor together or some shit." Mia and Letty exchanged glances at each other." And how do you know this if it's even true." Vince chuckled, "It's the way they act around each other, especially Brian, he makes it real obvious he feels something for Toretto."

Letty: "How you don't know it's just their brotherly love?" Vince chuckled, "Dom be way up Brian's ass a lot, he protects him from me." Mia looked at him and almost punched him, "What do you mean by "protecting Brian from me?" Vince cleared his throat. "I've been causing a scene, and Toretto always favored O'Connor over me."

Mia rolled her eyes and scoffed, "You're an idiot, Vince." Letty looked at him, "Actually, he's an asshole, and always will be." "Dom told me I was still family." Letty laughed, "Yeah maybe to end the conversation quicker."

Vince was furious, "Shut up Letty! You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about." Letty got all in his face as she looked up at him, "Come on, let's see what you got bitch!" Vince was about to punch her, but Dom had pushed him to the ground, "Oof." He said when he fell and hit the ground as Dom looked at him, and Dom protected Mia.

Dom: "What the fuck is going on here?" Dom made sure the girls were okay and then punched Vince. "One more fucking outburst from you, and you're out!" Toretto yelled. Vince was scared since he never seen Toretto that mad. "T-Toretto." Vince tried as he stuttered, "Shut the fuck up man." Brian cut in.

Vince: "I'm not fucking talking to you, Buster." He said. Brian was about to punch him, but Dom held Brian back with his waist. "Brian, Brian, it's okay. Chill, he's just trying to get to you." Dom said trying to calm Brian down. The girls watched in shocked, and didn't know what to do.

Mia got closer to Letty's ear and whispered, "Tonight, you tell him or I will." Letty nodded as she watched Vince on the ground as they walked away leaving Vince on the hard ground. "Great. No fuckin' help as usual." Vince muttered as he walked to his room.

This is the end, and I don't know how many times I've already said this but I ended it here because of school. This is only part 1, the rest of it will just Mia and Letty revealing their relationship and Brian trying to tell Toretto about his feelings, and if I get more ideas.

Also I be trying to post as quick as I can, but it's hard when I'm still in school and home problems. But it's mostly school. I'm trying to bring up my grades, and not only that, study for some tests, work on a project, more tests and blah blah blah, stuff like that. That's why it took me so long to post this.

Also if you have any ideas please comment your ideas, or you can just comment how you feel about the book so far, please follow me, share, and vote please.(Also comment my errors if you see any)

But besides this if I don't have any more things to say, I just want to say thanks again for 300-400 reads, it means more than you know and I hope you're enjoying your life. But besides that goodbye friends🧡, I'll see you guys next time! Bye my Wattpad friends🧡

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