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After the mission Dom and Brian were talking about what they could do with the cars, as they exited out of Dom's car they started talking about racing.

Brian: "We got new cars." He said excitedly. Dom sees how happy Brian is so he just smiles. "Yeah, maybe we should race in them once the teams brings all the cars." Dom looked at Brian waiting to see his reaction. "It's on Toretto. I'll win this time." Dom chuckles, "That's what you said the many other times." Brian held up the middle finger.

"We'll see." Dom nods repeating, "Yes, we will see."

Unknowingly to Dom and Brian someone pulled up in the driveway, Brian heard the sound and he turned to the direction and he saw a black 1999 Nissan Maxima.

Brian: "Dom, look." Dom looked in the direction where Brian was and saw what he was looking at. "Could that be who I think it is?" Brian continued. Dom looked at Brian, "Maybe, but I'm not going to take that chance." Dom then went in his trunk and grabbed a shotgun pointing it at the car.

Dom: "Get out of the car, and show your fucking hands!" He yelled. The person then opened the door and raised their hands. "I heard about the modified cars stolen, and I knew it was you guys." The person said. Dom looked at Vince as if he was a ghost.

Vince: "Dom, it's me." He said trying to convince Dom, but Dom doesn't lower the gun. "That's no way to treat an old friend." Dom looked at Brian as he still held the gun, Dom then whacked Vince with the gun as he started to bleed.

Vince: "Jesus, Dom." Vince held his nose trying to stop the bleeding but it just got worse and worse. "You okay Brian?" Dom asked looking at him to make sure he wasn't hurt even though he knew he wasn't, it's just for some reason he feels protective over Brian, maybe a little too protective. All Brian could do was nod as he watched Vince.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Brian said eventually. Dom started back breathing normally after Brian told him he was alright. Vince looked at the two as he held his nose. Vince can't lie he feels a bit jealous of Brian since Dom let him in the family so easily, and he did it so many times.

Dom then lowered the shotgun. "I'll be back with bandages." Dom then walked into the house and went to the bathroom to get some bandages, he soon walked back out with some in his hand as he bandage Vince up.

Dom: "What are you doing back here Vince?" He asked looking at him skeptically. Vince seen the look he gave him. "Like I said, I heard some modified cars were stolen and I knew it was you guys." Brian chuckles, "So you thought when you'd be welcome in the family once again you were going to take off with one of the modified cars?" Dom looked at Brian as he finished bandaging Vince's nose.

Vince: "No, of course not. Don't listen to him Dom." Dom looked at Brian and then Vince. "Then explain why you came as soon as you heard? Why didn't you come before all those other times?" Vince scoffs, "Are you really questioning me Dom, huh? You gonna listen to this cop?!" Dom then grabbed Vince by his black T-Shirt. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever raise your voice at me." Vince looked taken aback.

Vince: "Are you fucking serious Dom? You're going to listen to the Buster? He changed you for the worst." Dom was about to punch him but he calmed himself down. "Vince you got one more time before I beat you, and you won't ever come back here again." Dom said with anger in his voice.

Brian tried to calm Dom down, and it worked. Dom soon let Vince's shirt go. "You got one more chance, Vince." Vince nods. "I understand, thank you Toretto." "Don't thank me, thank the Buster." Vince then looked at Brian and back at Dom.

Vince: "The Buster saving the day, as per usual." Brian scoffs but Dom pushes him back with his hand. "Don't Brian, he just wants a reaction out of you." Dom said. "I just saved your ass, I think I deserve a thank you." Brian said. Dom looked at Vince. "I didn't ask you for help, now did I?"

Dom chuckles, "Your lucky Brian said something, or I would make you not want to show your face ever again." Vince looked at Dom. "Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? Did you give Buster this choice, or did you let him go like nothing happened, per usual." He said with pure anger in his voice.

"Go sit down Brian I got this." Dom said as Brian as he sat down. "Well would you look at that. Dom protecting the Buster." Dom just stared at him. "Don't make me punch you again." Vince looked at him as he held up his fists, "Come on, come on Dom. Let's see what you got." Dom just stayed in one place. "I'm not going to punch you. If I would have to you have to leave, and never come back."

Vince just put his fists down. "Does that mean I'm back in the family?" He asked. "Yeah you are, but one more fuckup and you're outta here Vince." Vince nodded. "I promise, I won't try anything."

Dom: "Keep that promise." Vince nodded. Dom went in the house to go get some drinks, while doing that unknowingly to Dom, Vince was looking at Brian suspiciously. "Don't try nothing, cop." He spat.

"I'm not a cop anymore." Brian said. Vince just laughed, "Am I supposed to believe that? What if one of us gets hurt again O'Connor." Brian looked down, but then looked back up. "I was trying to save you man." Vince sniffed. "You were an undercover cop, O'Connor." Brian nods as he understands. "Yes I know, but I promise you I'm not a cop anymore."

Vince: "I'm watching you, O'Connor." Brian just rolled his eyes as he waited for Dom. "You told him everything, huh? He never listened to me so, why would he listen to you?" Vince continued, Vince felt a spark of jealousy against Brian. 'Does Toretto like him more than me?' He thought. 'He can't like him more, I knew Toretto longer.'

Dom walked back outside with two beers and a Corona. "You gentlemen getting along?" Dom asked. Vince scoffs as Dom hands him a beer, Dom handed the other one to Brian. "No we aren't getting along Toretto, why would we ever?" Vince said. Dom looked at Vince. "If you don't try to get along with him I'll have you back on the street again." Dom replied. "Is that a threat Toretto?" Vince asked.

Dom: "It depends if you'll take it seriously or not." Vince rolled his eyes, "He's your husband or something?" Dom took a sip of his Corona, and Brian did the same with his beer. "He's not my husband, he's just a better friend then you ever was."

Vince was raging with jealousy inside of his head. Brian looked at Dom as he blushed when called "his husband." 'What if I was his husband?' Brian thought. Brian blushes bright red at the thought.

Yes I'm going to end it here. I hate doing cliffhangers but I want to know how interested you guys are into my story. But besides that I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Once again I have school so I'll post it as soon as I can, but I be working on it at home and at school.

If you enjoyed this story or you saw an error, or you have any ideas to make feel free to comment but besides that please share, follow me, vote.

Also the internet sucks at school so I'll try to reply to your comments.

But besides that I'll see you guys next time my Wattpad friends, and thanks for all your support!❤️

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