Not the Toretto You Thought Part 2

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Brian woke up in the bedroom that Toretto had let him stay in and he woke up to loud commotion. As he stretched he headed to where all the yelling is coming from.

Vince: "They been lying to you Dom." Dom stared at Vince with a hard cold stared, and decided not to say anything to him as he looked at Mia and Letty.

Dom: "How long has this been going on?" Toretto asked with an expressionless face, Mia and Letty stared at each other to decide who's going to tell Dom. Letty clears her throat, "It's been going on for a few months." Dom didn't know what to say cause he was frustrated and confused for a moment as he turned to see Brian come in the room.

Brian: "What's going on?" He asked as he yawned and stretched his arms. "Did you know they were in a relationship?" Toretto asked as he looked at Brian, still with his expressionless face. Brian looked at Dom fully awake but still trying to process the information. "I didn't know anything Dom."

Vince: "Bullshit Brian." Dom turned to look at Vince, "Shut it Vince, you're not in this." Vince quickly shuts his mouth as Dom stares back at Brian. "I didn't know anything Toretto." Dom nods as he didn't know how to react, besides he doesn't even know if he could trust anyone anymore but at the same time he doesn't feel betrayed like he should be.

For some reason Dom had saw Brian in a new light, and not just as friends, a brother, or family in general but something entirely different and he couldn't put a ring on what it means. Mia, Letty, and Vince left to left Toretto to be alone with his thoughts.

Brian: "Toretto?" Brian said as he continued, "You okay?" Dom looked at Brian for a moment and his face softens, an unrecognizable expression shown. "I don't know what to think O'Connor." Dom sighed as he continued speaking, "I'm furious but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't be." Brian nods knowing what he meant.

When Brian was dating Mia and his feelings for Toretto started to get worse and worse and he hadn't realized he felt confused and he didn't know why. "I felt the same way once." Brian admitted. He doesn't know why he said that but it's too late now.

Dom: "What did you say?" Dom asked looking at Brian. Brian started speaking but Toretto interrupted him, "I heard you." Brian looks at Dom in confusion. "That guy I was telling you about..I dated someone who was close to him, but after me and his sister broke up my feelings for him got stronger." Dom nods, but he's too oblivious to find out that Brian is talking about him when he dated Mia.

Dom: "Do I know who this guy is?" He asked, and Brian just looked at him blushing. "Yeah, somewhat." Dom looks at the younger man in confusion, "Somewhat? What do you mean by that?" Brian knew this question would come one way or the other and he decided to tell him.

Brian: "Yeah you do know him." Dom looked at Brian in confusion. "Brian.." Before Toretto could question Brian more Vince showed up.

Vince: "What the Buster means is that he likes you." Dom looked at Vince not knowing what to believe because in a way he feels something for Brian besides being family. "Vince, you stay out of this." Toretto threatened. "I'm just trying to help you out, and state the obvious Toretto."

Dom: "Brian, who is this guy?" He pressed the question even more. "I-I..uh. It's a guy that um." Brian didn't know what to do with Dom he kept pressuring him. For some reason Dom was hoping that person would be him because he's jealous in a way for some reason, and he doesn't know why he feels this way. Toretto sighed as he put his hands on Brian, "It's don't have to tell me right now."

Brian nodded as he hugged him, "Thanks. I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready." Dom nods. The wedding was off, but Dom felt relief for some reason. He started to question himself, 'Did I even have feelings for Letty to begin with?' Toretto didn't know what to feel but he felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

As for Brian, Brian was hoping that Toretto feels the same way that he does, and he doesn't want to leave the family again..he wants to have a family with Toretto.

Brian couldn't believe he thought about that but it's true. He wants to be with Dom, and he hopes Dom feels the same way. The girls were talking in Letty's room and decided what they were going to do. Letty wants to marry Mia.

Vince just left to not get mixed up in the drama and decided to go look for the cars they stole.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter with my terrible writing. P.S: I'm almost done with my Junior year of high school(Yay me!! Even though my bf is in College, he's going to be 19 when I'm 18 aka he's any early graduate)

I hope that you guys are really liking the chapters so far, and I just want to thank you guys for all your support. I couldn't have done it without you guys supporting me. Thanks! This book is almost finished👀, I can't believe it for myself either.(Depends if I get ideas, I haven't forgotten your ideas)We'll see how it ends..I might make a book 2 if you guys help me with ideas. So far my idea is to help Brian get that family of Toretto's that he wants. (Maybe Jack Jack will be adopted🥰 because in this story Mia was never pregnant with him)

But besides that thank you guys so much for reading, voting, and following me it means so much! But besides that pls comment any errors or your ideas, and ideas for my maybe book 2 of this! What should my next book be? Bye guys!! I hope you enjoy your day!!!🧡

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