Brother To Lovers

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It's been two months since the team did anything together so Dom and Brian were on a mission to find something to do, and of course Vince wanted to come with so they weren't entirely alone. Brian looked at Vince from time to time to make sure he doesn't pull nothing, "Hey Dom, wait up." Vince said, he jogged a bit to catch up with Toretto.

Dom: "Keep up." Vince nods, and then stares at Brian. "You got somethin' to say Buster?" Dom looks at Brian, and then back at Vince. "Don't start shit." Vince looked at him, "I'm not trying to, I think the Buster has something to say Dom." Dom looked at Brian and stopped walking. "Brian." Brian looks into Dom's eyes as he called his name. "You tryna start something?" Brian looks at Vince, "No Dom, I would never." Dom nods, "Good. Now let's keeping going."

They kept walking looking at the airplanes into the sky. "Hey Tej, you got a minute?" Tej looked at Dom, "Yeah sure man. Do I need to go get Roman?" Dom nods as Tej leaves to go get Rome, he then came back with Rome rubbing his eyes. "It's too fucking early for this shit man." Brian chuckles when he sees him. "That shit ain't funny Brian, I'm dead serious."

Dom: "I gather some of us here to talk about a job." The team listens closely as Dom talked. "Wait a damn minute, who the fuck is that?" Rome said pointing to Vince. This made Toretto chuckle, "This is Vince, he's somewhat family." Vince scoffs, but at the same time he didn't argue much considering what he did to Dom and the team.

Roman: "Nice to meet you." Vince looks at Rome, "Likewise." Rome nods, "He Ight." Tej looks at Rome and chuckles, "Man you still you got some shit in your eye." Roman punches Tej playfully, "Man, shut the fuck up." Brian chuckles at their bickering.

Dom: "Now as I was saying, there's a job coming up and I know that we might need the rest of the team but if we need them we know where to find them." The team nods, after that is settled they made a plan on how to steal the cars inside the train.

Vince: "When are we going to do this job?" Dom looked at him, "Patience. We have to wait the right moment to strike."

With Tej and Roman(They left to take a walk together Idk)

Tej: "Did you even hear the stuff Dom had to tell us?" Roman looked at Tej, "Nah man, I assumed you were going to tell me." Tej chuckles, "Man one day I'm not going to be here right next to you to tell you what he said." Rome looked at Tej, "Come on man, you know I don't like to hear that plan shit."

Tej looked at him, "Yeah I know, but if you want your cut you gotta listen man." Roman looks at Tej for a moment or two, "Yeah I'll do that next time." Tej looked at Roman, "You better because I'm sick and tired of being your translator." Roman chuckles, "You like being my translator." Tej smiles, "Nah I don't."

Roman scoffs, "Yeah whatever man. Roman was thinking about all the things they been through together before they met Dom. "Hey Tej, do you remember when we pulled off that car scramble?" Tej looked at him, "Yeah man, and I remember you and Brian almost putting me and Suki in jail.

Roman chuckles, "Yeah I miss that." Tej nods, "Yeah." Roman was looking at Tej's lips, he's been thinking about it for a while now, but didn't know how to express his feelings to Tej, Rome didn't even know if Tej had a thing for the men.

Tej looked at Roman, "You got a lot on your mind Roman?" He asked which made Rome look up from his thoughts, "Yeah. Well I mean, I've been thinking about this for a moment." This made Tej look back at Roman's direction, "Thinkin' about what?"

Rome didn't know how to tell Tej that he was thinking about him. "How do you feel about gay relationships?" This made Tej look at Roman, "Rome, what's going on?" Rome stared at Tej for a moment. "I got a crush, or whatever this is on this guy...and I'm scared to know if he feels the same way about me or if he even likes guys in general." Tej had put two and two together, "Rome if this is what I think it is..." Before Tej could say anything there was a kiss on his lips.

When Roman pulled away when he noticed Tej wasn't kissing him back he got super nervous, and he felt like he messed up and Tej didn't feel the same way he did. "I-I'm sorry Tej, I had to do something or it'll be torture keeping it from you." Tej smiles, and this confused Roman, "And please don't tell the team, we'll act like this never happened." He continued. Tej just shuts Roman up by kissing him.

Tej: "Jesus Roman. You may get on my nerves, but I love you too man." This made Roman smile, "Really?" Tej nods, "Yeah man." Rome pushes Tej on the ground, "What was all that smack you were saying earlier?" This made Tej super nervous, "U-Um...nothing. I didn't say shit. You sure it was me, and it wasn't Brian who said it?" This made Roman giggled while he was on Tej's stomach, "Man I was just playin', and it seemed to me like you were really nervous or some shit like you actually did somethin'." Tej laughed, "Nah man, I was just playing along with you."

Roman nodded as he got off Tej. They kissed one last time before they walked back together where the rest of the team were still planning the plan.

Tej: "And yeah I like being your translator." This made Roman smile brightly, "I knew it." Tej giggled at his smile and they kiss one last time before they saw the team in the distance.

This is the end of the chapter, and I consider this one super short compared to my other ones but I was really happy to get this out, and I had no other ideas for this chapter. But I hope you guys enjoyed it like I did, and I tried my hardest to make it likeable, I know I like it, but I want to hear you guys opinions.

If you have any recommendations please comment. If you guys enjoyed this you can also comment, follow, vote, and share to your friends. I hope y'all are enjoying this. Anyways goodbye again my Wattpad friends and see you guys next time! Bye!🧡

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