Don't Tell Dom

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Brian woke up the next day as he went in the kitchen and made himself a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Brian then saw Vince as he continues to eat.

Vince: "I'm still watching you, O'Connor." Brian laughs, "You keep watching me, and you'll regret it. Vince looked at Brian, "Is that a threat?" Brian ignores him. "Just wait until I tell Dom about this." Brian rolled his eyes as soon and he saw Dom.

Vince: "Dom, get him." Dom looked at Vince. "Why should I?" Vince looked at Dom. Vince scoffs, "Whatever. I'll deal with it myself." Before Vince could do anything there was a car pulling up in the driveway and Dom and Brian remembered the sound and knows whose car it is.

Brian and Dom, as well as Vince rushed outside. "Mia." Dom said as he hugged her. "Hey Dom, how are you?" Dom looks down at her. "I'm doing good. How are you?" Mia smiles, "Been better." Dom nods. Mia then sees Vince. "Vince, what are you doing here?" Vince chuckles, "I miss you, Mia." Brian looks at Vince skeptically.

Mia: "I'm sure you have, but that can't be the reason you're here." Vince looks down at her, "Well...I came because I heard about the cars. The modified ones." Dom looks at Mia, "Speaking of that, is it in the safe garage?" Mia nods, "Yeah, soon all of them will be stored there." Dom nods.

Vince: "Where are they?" He asked. Mia looked at him and then looked at Dom, Dom said no. Mia looks at him, but in the eyes. "And here I thought we were family, Vince." Vince laughs nervously, "We are Mia." Mia looks at Brian, Brian said no as well. "Vince, I don't know why the hell you came back." Vince looks taken aback. "Mia you can't be serious."

Mia: "I'm dead serious, Vince." Vince looked at Dom and Brian, mostly Brian. "What the fuck did you say to her, O'Connor? What the fuck did you say!" He shouts. Brian just shrugged, "I ain't told her nothing man." Vince grabs Brian's collar. "Vince." Dom said looking at him. "Stay out of this, Toretto!"

Dom: "If you're trying to kill my family, and tell me to stay out of it I can't." Vince scoffs, "He's your family? After everything you still consider him as family." Dom looks at him in the eyes. "Yes." Mia looks at them both not knowing what to do.

Mia: "Vince, please. Let's talking about this." Vince looked at Mia, "There's nothing to talk about, Mia." Brian tries to punch him, but Dom stops him. Vince then let's go. "Fine." Brian soon starts breathing again. "You're lucky, O'Connor."

Brian didn't know what to say or do. Dom and Mia were catching up with each other about what they did for the past few days, Brian was sitting there thinking about all the outcomes of how Vince will kill him.

While everyone was asleep besides Mia, Letty had parked in the driveway. As she exited her car and closed it she walked to her bedroom that's shared with Dom, but she saw Mia, Mia had locked eyes with Letty as she tried to get her to come in her room. Letty soon agreed as she walked to her room.

When she got there Mia had closed the door, and looked at Letty. "We need to tell Dom." Letty looked at Mia, "No we can't do that, Mia. He'll be mad. We're literally married." Mia nods, "I know, but I hate keeping this secret from my brother. I don't know how long I can keep it." Letty sighs, "We can't tell Dom, and please don't tell him."

Mia: "You're telling me to "not tell Dom" but are you really considering to keep this a secret from him." Letty nods, "Yes, I'm sorry. I hate it too, I really do." Mia looks at her as she kisses Letty. "I understand Letty, but we have to tell him sooner or later before he finds out." Letty nods, as she looks down. "I-I know Mia, but I have no choice. I'm not even out to the family yet. Not even to Dom, he doesn't even know my bisexuality."

Mia: "I'm not either, but I want to do it soon." Letty looks at her, "Aren't you scared of what he'll think?" Mia looks at her, "Yes, I'm scared but I have no choice if I want to be happy with you." Letty kisses her on the lips, "Dom will understand Mia." Mia nods. "Hopefully." Letty kisses her once more as she looks at Dom and Brian, "We'll tell him soon Mia, I promise." Mia nods as she watches Letty change her clothes into more comfortable clothes as they both sat on the bed.

Brian: "Hey Dom...I was thinking." Dom looks at him as he waits for him to continue. "Is there still some racing going on?" Brian said. Dom nods, "Yeah, there is. Me and Letty was thinking about going down there but I think since you just came back I would want to do it with you." Brian smiles.

Brian: "Okay, sure." Dom's arm was on Brian's shoulder and Brian trying so hard not to blush. "What's wrong B?" Dom asked, and Brian looking at him. "Oh nothing. Just looking around. Still can't believe I'm here right now." Dom nods, "Well you better believe it." Brian chuckles as he look at Dom.

Dom: "We need to find out what to do with Vince,  I don't trust him." Brian nods, "What do I need to do?" Dom looks at him, and then looked around and there was no sign of Vince.

Hey guys this is it for the rest of the chapter, I'm super sorry if it's short and that it took so long for me to post I was studying for ACT prep and I had to take the ACT, and I was trying to get my assignments turned in, and I finally did all that so I should go back to a normal schedule by tomorrow. I also hope you guys like this chapter, and this book so far! So, what do you guys think of Mia and Letty's secret relationship? How would y'all think Dom react?

Please comment if you have any suggestions about things, questions, and how you feel about the chapter, or how you feel about the whole book altogether. Thanks you guys for reading, don't forget to follow me, comment, share with your friends, and vote!

Goodbye my Wattpad friends, and until next time! Bye!🧡

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