Author's Note

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To begin with, this is a story about the characters, not the people, and there will be shipping. Flowerhusbands, Desert Duo, and Joel/Lizzie are the ships mentioned. This was finished in August of 2023, so things after that are not being referenced. Except once, but I added that bit in later. It's a Life Series up to Double Life fic. Bolded text at the beginning or end of a chapter is an author's note. This is my second fic, so characters will probably be OOC and romances might not be well written. I am still willing to take constructive criticism. If you see grammatical or spelling errors, please point them out! (but keep in mind that I'm Canadian so my spelling is generally strange.)

This contains fluff and angst, but is majorly about the plot, not the romances, so not as much fluff. Warning for violence, blood, major character death, temporary death, and permanent character death. Not every member of the Life Series makes it through alive. However, I promise there's a happy ending for most characters! Or at least hopeful/happily sad. Like, they're okay with the sadness of their fate. Something like that. It's based off of Double Life, but there will be inaccuracies, due to the fact that it's a Pearl story and I did not watch Pearl's perspective of Double Life.

I believe all lore is clearly stated in the story or purposefully ambiguous.

As for the origination of this story, I saw a pinterest post (before I deleted my account because it was taking up too much of my time) saying 'Write a poem beginning with the sky is on fire' and the poem I wrote (Which will show up later in the story) inspired this.

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