Ryūnosuke Akutagawa | The Kiss

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You bumped into a tall man in all black on the sidewalk and quickly apologized, but your sorry seemed to not affect him."Ugh, fool! Do you know how fast I could kill you?" His piercing eyes seem to look right through you, but a moment later you saw a mischievous grin on his face."Don't ever touch me again." And with that, he was gone, swept up by the wave of people.

You felt bad but decided to forget about the incident. But as you were about to leave, something on the ground caught your eye. It looked like that mysterious man had dropped his phone on impact. You wanted to leave but the good civilian in you decided to go return it. It was your fault anyway.  

As you reached down and picked up the phone, it was hard to ignore a sudden feeling of danger. A sense of dread, even. But too late. Your hand was already wrapped firmly around the phone and there was no going back.

You quickly made your way into the crowd, pushing and being pushed. But the man seemed to just disappear. Finally, you spotted a glimpse of black underneath the colorful chaos. You rushed toward it and saw the man walking. But run as you might the crowd was far too large to fight. Then he took a turn into an alley where no people dared to stray, and with a fog of stupidity clouding your eyes you made the same turn into the dark alley.

The street was even emptier than expected, and with nothing to illuminate the passageway, the shadows crept in around the bend ahead of you. Your heart was pounding and it felt like your throat had gone dry, but still you forced yourself to continue onwards. The narrow passageway opened up into a larger space, the sound of muffled footsteps echoing off the walls.

"Wait, sir! Come back." You cried out

But there was no response, just a faint creak from the other end of the hallway. As you got closer, you saw a tall shadow moving away from you. His coat flapped in the breeze, his hat casting a shadow over his face, masking his expression.

As you made your way to it the same man you had run into stood right before you, his eyes filled with hatred as he snatched the phone, not even the smallest thank-you crossed his lips.

He stared you in the eyes, his grip tightening on the phone so hard his knuckles had turned white."What were you thinking? Don't ever get in my way again.""I-I'm sorry I just wanted to return your-"

"That doesn't matter. I thought I'd never have to look at your ugly face again, now go! You can't be here." 

The man's harsh words stabbed at your already guilty heart like red-hot knives. It seemed that no matter what you did, you could never escape his hatred and contempt. You quickly turned away and ran as fast as you could back out of the alley, the tears threatening to spill over at any second.

Akutagawa watched as you left and then was soon confronted by Chuuya.

Chuuya was glaring at him, his expression unreadable."Looks like someone made a new friend~," He teased, "Did you scare that civilian off? How much does she know?" he asked.

"Don't worry." The two of them walked back to the base of The Port Mafia, but Akutagawa couldn't stop thinking about this random girl and her kind actions toward him.

Despite his best efforts to forget your encounter, he found himself searching the crowds in vain for your familiar face every time he went out. And the more he thought about you, the more he began to feel something he didn't recognize. A strange feeling, like his chest was tightening up and a wave of regret washing over him.

Chuuya noticed the strange change in the man but didn't mention anything, instead, he went out to find you himself.

There you sat, an empty park bench all to yourself when your heart skipped a beat as you noticed someone standing in front of you. The park was empty and the man seemed to have come out of nowhere. He was dressed in black with a hat covering his head. you could feel your heartbeat quicken as you sat up taller, his intense gaze boring into you.

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