Atsushi Nakajima | The Tiger

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You had heard rumors spreading like wildfire of a tiger boy working for the ADA. You were well aware of this ability but had never seen anyone possess it before today. You had come from Tokyo to find the source of these rumors, and now you watched from afar as a boy with white hair entered a cafe with a girl in pigtails. You slowly entered the cafe yourself, taking a seat behind them, watching their every move.

You ordered yourself a drink and by the time it had arrived, you had realized that this man, Atsushi, was indeed who you were looking for. He was a weretiger, white as snow, resembling the moon. And you, Y/N, were the same, it was in your blood, the both of you. Now that you had found him, you wanted to get his attention, but you didn't want to be the one to initiate it. And so you thought of an idea. 

Leaving your drink untouched, you left the cafe and immediately went in search of something. 

It was now the golden hour, and the sun hit perfectly onto your red fur. You growled at the gang you had spotted in an alley, walking toward them. Each step like thunder.

They screamed in terror as you lunged at them. Your beautiful silky red fire, like fire, resemblant of the sun, matched perfectly with the rosey skies above, and the liquidy red blood below. 

Now that you had sufficed in causing mayhem across the city, you knew it wouldn't be long before the ADA went in search of you.

He was immediately intrigued by the case Kunikida had been handed.  After hearing the words 'rouge tiger' spread across the city it reminded him of the first time he had met Dazai and Kunikida. To think that there was another person out there like him was hard, but for some reason he was happy? Excited? Nervous? He didn't know but after reading the case, Kunikida let him be the one to help find this weretiger.

It was night when Atsushi and Dazai went looking for you, and it wasn't long before they got what they wanted. You had been watching them for some time, waiting for the perfect moment. 

You had set it all up perfectly, they would find you attacking a group from the Port Mafia, and stop you. 

As the two neared you, they heard a loud bang and rushed to the scene, but everyone was already dead. You were in your tiger form, red blood staining your already red coat of fur.

You looked down at Atsushi, completely ignoring Dazai. You lay down, waiting, waiting for him to do something. To your surprise, he transformed into the infamous white tiger and lay before you. You sniffed at him, letting your nose touch his.

Then, out of nowhere, Dazai was yelling about how cute you were together, laughing and dancing around. You growled at him and he quickly met your eyes.

 Atsushi transformed back with wide eyes, and you followed along.

Your eyes narrowed at the two, watching them watch you. As if not expecting your human form to look like it did. Your long H/C hair was a mess and your E/C eyes pierced through Atsushi's, never looking away. You weren't nervous, but you could tell he was. 

Dazai was the one to speak first, asking for you to come with them back to the agency so they could question you. Ignoring him, you decided to walk up to Atsushi. He flinched as you reached your small hand out to meet his.

He shook your hand, and you felt a faint smile make its way up to the surface.

"Y/N L/N." Your voice was steady and elegant, you had waited for this moment, the moment you got to meet another tiger.

"UHH- Atsushi Nakajima! And this is my partner, Osamu Dazai." His voice on the other hand was timid and scared. You nodded and walked passed them to the ADA. They followed in silence until you reached the building.

You sat down on the luxurious couch and they sat facing you, accompanied by Kunikida.

"So miss Y/N~," Dazai started. "Why is it you started a rampage in the first place?"


"That's it!?" Atsushi squealed.

"I came here from Tokyo to..." You didn't want to tell them the truth, you were embarrassed enough as it was. "Look for a job." You lied.

"And then ended up killing about 20 people? Something doesn't add up." Kunikida glared daggers at you.

"They were villains, pathetic ugly thugs that were begging to be killed." You smiled.

This went on for quite some time until Dazai went and spoiled the fun.

"Tell us the real reason, and I might let this incident slide." His face was grim, and you knew you couldn't trick him. Sighing, you gave up on hiding your feelings.

"I came here to find the other tiger." Atsushi's eyes widened tenfold as he heard this, whereas Dazai just smiled.

"Makes sense, and let me guess; you wanted his attention so badly that you caused a ruckus, am I right~?"

You were annoyed at how easily he saw through you, but now that it was no longer a secret, you hoped for a few words alone with the weretiger.

"Of course, I'm sure Atsushi would be delighted to talk with you, you just have so much in common already, AHH~! It's too cute for my eyes, I'm blinded. Come now Kunikida~ Let's leave them be." The two left and Atsushi's face grew bright red.

"So it's true? You came all the way here, for me?" You nodded along as he confirmed it. It was a silly reason but you were delighted to have met him.

"I know it's a little weird, but I needed to see you." He smiled at you as you both got up. "I really need to be leaving now, it was nice meeting you." 

"W-Wait! Before you go...Maybe we could go out sometime! UMM like to the cafe, to y'know uh talk." He was looking down at the table that separated you, and you couldn't help but smile.

"I'd love that, until then, Atsushi."

"Goodbye! Y/N~!"

And so the sun and the moon went their separate ways but in the end, they would always come back together.

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