Strength is Located Inside

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As my mother's lullaby comes to an end, I gently wipe the last of Valentina's tears from her puffy face. Noticing the main of baby hairs surrounding her face, I gently tuck what I can behind her ears.

"The first lesson I can teach you Valentina is to never let someone see you cry. You are strong in here," I tap her chest where her heart lies, "you'll never go through something you can't handle. Always remember that, Valentina." I quietly instructed her. Valentina quickly sucks her dripping snot back into her nose before she replies,

"My mama used to says I was strongs... She said that's why she neededs me. That's whys my whittle brothers neededs mee!!!" She pounds on her chest before she screams, "Val-en-tin-a... But," Her head bows as she whimpers, "I-I-I don't feels strongs right now... I-I feels sads, I-I feels brokens. Do yous really think I am strongs?" Valentina croaked as she held back more tears. Picking up her small hand,

"Of course, I believe your story. Valentina you were born during a violent war. All you've known is chaos and destruction. That alone can make any child stronger than those who came before." Pausing as Valentina shakes, "I'll tell you a secret. Circumstances can only get you so far. True strength isn't measured by how brave or strong you are, it's measured in your eyes. Deep in one's soul. Your true power is in your brain. That's how you see someone's true strength. I can see it in your eyes." Staring into her green eyes, "You have a strength no one can ever take from you. One day you'll be stronger than me. I promise." I consoled as I wrapped my arms tighter around her. She embraces me thankfully as her frail body collapses in my arms.

Ravenna has taken so much from our world. She's covered freedom and happiness in a shroud of darkness and pain. With each person she takes the reality of failure draws closer. I pray I've been able to make Valentina feel a little better. I also hope one day I'll be able to make her dream come true and reunite her with her mother. But for now, I'll hold her until she's ready to face the world.

"I can't wait for yous to trains me to be bigs and strongs." Valentina determinedly stated. Patting her fiery head, I laugh at her tansity.

"That's the one thing you're getting wrong. Valentina, you don't need to be trained to be big and strong. You need to allow your body time to grow on its own. You need to strengthen your mind." Gently tapping her head, I can see the gears spinning behind her eyes, "More battles are won with strategy than with brute strength. Besides you are already big and strong, look at what you've gone through. I don't think you need lessons in strength." Valentina gazes at me with her piercing green eyes.

"Does that means you'lls trains me nows?" Valentina begged. Bursting into laughter,

"You need to learn that knowledge from teachers and books. You have a few more years before I can train you to fight, young one. You have to be at least..." standing up I hover my hand next to my shoulder, "This tall before I'll train you to fight."

"Buts that's will takes forevers!" Valentina cried as she threw her body onto the ground to whine. Laughing at her attempt to con me into training her now, I challenge,

"It'll come quicker than you think. Be a kid for while you can Valentina. Your childhood is just as important as learning how to fight. Don't try to grow up too fast." Smiling up at me Valentina coons,

"Thank yous Awex, I am so happies you'res a parts of this group. Evens though my momma is gones I still feels like I have someones to talks to." I stiffen when she labels me as a member of the group, but Valentina was too high on cloud nine to notice. Not trying to ruin her ecstatic mood I paint a stiff smile on my face.

"Of course, Valentina." I cringed. However, the child doesn't notice how uncomfortable I am. Valentina springs to her feet and bounces up and down.

"Will yous sing that song agains? I haven't heards anyones sing since my mama was arounds." Valentina bravely asked me. Laughing at her request, I slowly shake my head.

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