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"Probably not but it's worth a shot." Matt shrugged. Rolling my eyes. I begin mumbling about how he's an obnoxious idiot and I doubt he'll stop calling me random pet names. Not caring if he hears me, I continue to mumble as I step toward the door. I want nothing to do with this. My eyes instantly dart to his face as I pass him. Spread proudly across Matt's face is a smile stretching from ear to ear. Darting from the room I nearly make it to the stairs before I remember I don't know where this mystery meeting is taking place. Abruptly stopping in the hallway, I impatiently tap my foot as I wait for Matt to reach me. Eventually he emerges from the room and strides down the hallway.

"What took you so long?" I impatiently asked.

"Oh, sorry I got caught up with something..." Matt sadly said, all the playfulness and sarcasm from before are now gone. Confused about his tone, I suddenly connected the dots. We were just in his sister's room... The sister he has no clue what happened to... Walking up to him I gently place my hand on his arm. Once my fingers touch him, he jumps. Quickly removing my hand from his arm, I whisper,

"Do you know it's not a weakness to show your emotions every once and a while? Sorry to assume things, but I'm guessing that was your younger sister's room. I know it must be hard to realize this but a lot of people... even the people in this house can understand the emotions you feel when you go into that room. I understand... And I am truly sorry." His eyes flicker with shock until they harden into a cold emotionless slate. Matt rudely asks,

"Thank you, but don't you think you're being a hypocrite? I heard you tell Val not to let people see her cry. To not show her emotions. Isn't this the same thing?"

"No, it's not. One, I never told Valentina to hide all her emotions, just the ones people can use against you. Two, Valentina is fragile right now. In this world being a woman and being fragile means a death sentence. You are an adult. You must show your emotions to function properly. In order to keep everyone safe. If you don't have people to lean on, you won't be able to lead effectively." I rudely spit back.

"Hmmm thanks for the advice, but it's all in the past. There's no time for emotions in this world now. What we need to focus on is the future." Matt coldly stated.

"What is your problem? Do you think these people won't follow you if you show your emotions Matt?" I fiercely questioned him. His gaze hardens even more.

"Who will follow a man who can't control his emotions?" Matt growled.

"I would." I said softly, tired of the arguing. "And I believe your group would too. Your emotions don't make you weak Matt. They can give you strength and make you a better leader." While I'm talking Matt looks everywhere but my eyes. When I finish his eyes dart to mine, and he slowly brings his hand to my cheek. Freezing as soon as he moved, I stood like a statue as he gently caressed my cheek.

"Your idealistic ways of thinking are so different from what I've always known. What planet are you from?" Matt sincerely asked me. Stepping away from him, I watch as Matt's hand pauses in midair before he lets his arm fall to his side.

"Planet Pluto obviously." I said sarcastically, shaking his head at me. Matt says,

"I knew it. Why didn't I connect the dots sooner... Of course, you are an alien. But you do know Pluto isn't actually a planet anymore, right?"

"Oh, so just because some scientists spoke some scientific mumbo jumbo and told everyone that Pluto is no longer a planet. Means it's automatically true? I grew up with Pluto being a planet, which means in my heart it will always be one. After all, it is my home world." I said while I playfully winked at Matt. His smile slowly returns, "Come on slowpoke we're probably already late. And someone has a thing for punctuality." I laughed.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now