Chapter 14: Last Resort

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After the nurse is finally out of Valerie's way, she triumphantly pulls open the door. Only to find a livid Matt standing on the other side. Valerie quickly shakes off Matt's chilly glare as she pushes into the room. Valerie skeptically peers around the room until her eyes land on the woman lying on the table. Valerie gulps when she watches the doc cut away pieces of Alex's blackened flesh. Bile rose in Valerie's throat after the old woman discarded a chunk of tissue into a shiny metal bowl. Alex really is hurt... badly... but how can this be?

"Valerie, what are you doing here?" Matt forcefully seethed. Why is he suddenly having so many problems with his people following his orders? Matt squinted at the perplexing thought.

"Um.. Ty said you were here, and I wasn't sure if you were injured so I came right away." Valerie stuttered as she quickly realized she'd done something wrong.

"Did you even ask him!?" Matt clenched his fists.


"Guys I'm currently cutting into this woman. I need this room to be as sterile as possible. Young lady you need to leave now!" Dr. Baldwin instructed. Not giving Valerie any more room to disobey. Matt marched over to her and grabbed her arm. Forcing the reluctant woman from the room Matt quickly closed the door behind them. He releases Valerie as soon as he notices the nurse lying on the floor. Matt quickly bends down and helps the disoriented woman stand. Janet rubes her neck in hopes it will help her splitting headache.

"I'm sorry sir... I tried to stop her..." Janet stuttered while she leaned against Matt heavily.

"There's no need for you to apologize. To make sure this doesn't happen again I'm going to have two guards stand watch outside the medical unit. To ensure no one else gets in." Matt assured the medical staff while he stared directly at Valerie.

Valerie gulps at the amount of anger laced in Matt's voice. Matt gives the nurse a small smile before he returns his attention to Valerie. The woman who's been causing nothing but trouble. He quickly grabs onto Valerie's arm. Matt ignores Valerie's pitiful cries as he drags her from the medical unit and down the hallway. Finally releasing her fire dances behind Matt's eyes. He can't believe she directly disobeyed an order that came from him.

"What were you thinking Valerie! Barging into a PRIVATE ROOM when a nurse is telling you not to? What is wrong with you?" Matt angrily demanded.

"I'm sorry Matt! Sue me for being worried about you. The last time I saw you, you were going after the woman I don't trust!" Valerie cried as she ran to Matt and wrapped her arms around him, "I had to make sure you were ok... how was I supposed to know she'd be in such bad shape?" Valerie whimpered, but Valerie's pitiful tactics no longer affect Matt. He grabs her arms emotionlessly and pulls Valerie away from him. Valerie's expression falls as she's suddenly ripped from Matt's comforting heat. Valerie desperately tried to return to his side, but Matt quickly stepped away from her.

"You need to start using your head, Valerie! That was the third time she saved us! What did you expect, a hippy throwing flowers?! Singing Kumbaya? You don't have a reason not to trust her! I don't have time for this. I have things to do." Matt scolded the foolish woman as he retreated down the corridor. Valerie sprints after him.

"Matt, why won't you talk to me!" Valerie shouted with tears in her eyes. Stopping in his tracks Matt turns to look at Valerie.

"Because this entire trip has me questioning if you should be anywhere near this group. Every second of it you have fought against Alex, sent Tucker onto a dangerous rock floor, and now you've abused one of our nurses! I don't have the time or energy to deal with you right now! So go find something useful to do and leave me alone and let me think!" Matt yelled; his voice bounced off the cement walls. Valerie shrinks back at his words and remains silent.

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