Chapter 28: At All Costs

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Matt sat alone in the dark cave in total silence. His face is the only future revealing what he's feeling inside. The moment Matt watched the woman he cares about throw her body off the Grand Canyon to save his world, a soul crushing look of horror was plastered onto his face. How could he have let her go so easily? Why did he sit and hide...?

Though Matt would never admit it, he was frozen the moment Alex finally showed him her eyes. Her electric blue eyes. Matt had been waiting for the right moment to ask her what she was for weeks. But when Alex finally revealed them again, Matt couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He could only stare like an idiot.

Every fiber in his being wanted to jump after her, before he finally came to his senses. Matt couldn't let Alex's sacrifice be in vain. Though he doesn't have all the information it seems like Ravenna's army is more interested in capturing Alex than his people. If he had revealed himself, Matt would've only been putting his people and Alex in more danger. Now is not the time to go after her... No matter how badly his heart hurts. Matt sits in the cave. Still a stone for what felt like hours. Staring at the spot Alex disappeared until the noisy movement above him ceased.

Matt pauses at the entrance of the tunnel and looks back. The night had started off so perfect... and then it took a turn no one saw coming. Perhaps if Matt had never brought Alex out here, she'd still be by his side... Matt shakes his head, he can't think like that. Alex was leaving tomorrow anyway; he wouldn't have been able to hold on to her forever.

Matt disappears into the dark tunnel and hits the failsafe button located just passed the doorway. When Matt got older, he had the tunnels leading to the outside rigged with explosives. With the single press of a button the explosives ignited, and the rock came crashing down. Sealing the exit from the inside.

Matt enters the safe house in a daze. Thoughts of Alex bombard his mind. However, thoughts of the mystery woman are quickly stripped away. Instead, his mind nearly explodes when he realizes everything is running normally. His people are going about business like nothing is wrong... Matt runs to the nearest relay panel and hits the big red button. Suddenly, the alarm sounds in chaos and ensues.

Matt lets his people handle the lockdown. He has more important things to do right now. Matt cursed under his breath while he pushed through the crowded hallways. It takes ages, but Matt finally makes it to his office. Matt slumps into his chair and lays his head down on the cool desk. Questions wiz through his mind at supersonic speed. Matt wonders if Alex survived the fall. If she'll survive without her weapons. He wonders what he can do to help her. Matt leans back in his chair. He knows there's no point in sitting here worrying about her. Besides if he knows one thing about Alex it's that she's resourceful. She'll find a way to make it.

Matt pushes up from his desk in anger. There must be something more he can be doing to help her. Matt paces in front of his desk and gets lost deep in thought. Then an idea pops into his head. He must go after her. Matt knows Alex has had it rough and has been alone for a long time. But what kind of leader would he be if Matt brought people into his group. Offered them protection and guidance, but when they truly needed it, he wasn't around?

Not a leader people would follow. Not the leader he wants to be. Finally finding a solution that doesn't make his heart ache. Matt runs to his filing cabinets and begins tearing a drawer apart. Maps and official documents fly through his office as Matt continues his search for the elusive piece of paper.

Knowing Matt's in his office, Ty almost knocks on the door, but decides against it and simply opens it. Ty's jaw drops when he sees the swarm of papers glittering through the air in Matt's office. When he notices Matt is the one throwing the papers, Ty's jaw drops farther. He has no idea what happened, but he knows it can't be good. Ty squares his shoulders. Something must be seriously wrong for Matt to be as frantic as he is right now. Ty slowly walks through the shower of documents with his arms raised to protect his face. However, once Ty reaches Matt, he stops throwing papers and darts back to his desk. Must have found what he was looking for.

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