Chapter 21: Unspoken Connection

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I stand frozen in front of Matt's doors. I nervously fiddle with my fingers as I stare at the little keypad that would gain me entry. I reach my hand toward the little mechanical box, but it freezes midair. Should I simply walk in? Should I really force myself into his private quarters after my behavior? I told Dr. Baldwin I'd come here and talk to him... but now that I'm standing here: outside his door. I have a bad feeling. My throat is in my stomach and my heart pounds loudly. The thought of entering his room has become more daunting. What am I doing? Shaking off my nerves, I can't keep running from my problems. It's time for me to grow up and face things head on. I'm no quitter. My handshakes uncontrollably, but I finally work up enough courage to press the six little buttons. 01-11-92. With each click on the keypad my brain replays Dr. Baldwin's words: 'It's his mother's birthday, January 11, 1992. She would have been 50 this year.'

Suddenly I'm no longer consumed by worries of the man behind the metal door. Instead, I'm filled with sorrow. Sorrow for Matt's torn apart family and mine. The soft click of the door opening removes the flashing memories from my mind. Shaking my head I sigh, might as well get this over with. I hold my breath before I slowly push the heavy metal door open. My eyes widened in shock at the display before me. I half expected the room to be engulfed in darkness and to find Matt sleeping.

The other half... honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but it sure wasn't this. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe I'd find Matt anxiously pacing across the room. His brow is furrowed, and he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. Matt hasn't noticed me awkwardly standing in his doorway. I contemplate saying something, but Matt's erratic movements seal my lips. I quietly walk into the room while Matt screams into his walkie.

"I don't care how many people you must wake up. Check everywhere. Alex is injured! She could be hurt worse, or she could be dying! Find her!" Matt continues to pace back and forth. His violent emotions radiating from his body. Muffled static replied to his order but unfortunately, I can't make out what the other person said. "I don't care what the doc said. I won't believe she isn't injured until I see her!" Matt demanded. Fire flickers behind his eyes. Deep down I know he'll rip this entire safehouse apart to find me. I'm not really sure why, but now would be my que to come forward before his people get punished for my wrong doings. Stepping forward,

"Would now be the awkward moment where I interrupt, or should I let you continue to yell at people who don't deserve it?" I chuckled behind Matt. I watch as the man nearly turns to stone before my very eyes. Suddenly Matt spins around to face me. His eyes fill with shock and anger when they first land on me, but eventually they fill with relief. In a split-second Matt brings the walkie to his lips. Even with his lightning-fast movements Matt's eyes never leave my body. He fears if he were to look away, I'd disappear in an instant: becoming nothing more than a figment of his imagination.

"Never mind I found her. Stop the search-over." Matt threw the walkie on the couch and ran toward me. I nervously close my eyes as he angrily rushes over. Part of me fears him, but at the same time something tells me that's not his style. However, I can't be too cautious. I try to push these poisonous thoughts to the depths of my soul. Instead, I force myself to worry about his touching me. Poking me. Searching every inch of my body for visible injuries. I gasp and my eyes bolt open in shock when Matt wraps his arms around me and lifts me from the ground. Static electricity rolls across my body as Matt presses me tightly against him. His body heat engulfs me while his intoxicating scent fills the surrounding air. However, his steel arms compress my rib cage. My lungs are screaming for air. Sadly, though there's no point in fighting his tight embrace. If I do, I'm afraid he'll crush the life out of me.

The next thing I know, the room is spinning. I claw at his arms and involuntarily yelp at the sudden movement. Matt must not have noticed, or he doesn't care because he continues to spin me through the air. Even with my nausea and lack of oxygen I can't bring myself to tell him to put me down. Instead, I wrap my arms around his and lay my head on his warm chest. I let him have his moment. After all, it's only fair after what I put him through. Matt's scent soothes me as he cradles my body close. Within seconds I feel centered. Like I've suddenly returned home after a long stay abroad. Shaking my head at the preposterous thought I lifted my head from Matt's solid chest.

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