True Colors

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It has been a little over two weeks since Rebecca arrived at the castle. At first, she was skeptical of everything. Kind gestures. Sweet words. Nice belongings. However, overtime the queen finally won the pregnant woman over. Rebecca began to see Ravenna's kingdom in a new light. The stories her people told were wrong. Ravenna isn't wicked or heartless. She's kind and loving. Anything Rebecca could ever want was at her fingertips, due to the woman's warm heart. Her life was now a dream. Perhaps her people judged the queen too harshly. Perhaps Ravenna's idea of change was exactly what the world needed. The only problem: Rebecca couldn't answer Ravenna's questions about the human group.

Long ago humanity decided to stop sharing the details of surviving groups' locations with one another. To protect the species. If one person was caught and tortured, they could give up the other group's information to spare their lives. It's happened before and the leaders wanted to ensure it would never happen again. All Rebecca knows about the group she contacted is that they are large and located in Arizona. Ravenna soldiers took her before she could learn anymore. However, the pregnant woman can't lose the queen's protection because she isn't useful. So, each time Ravenna asks her to talk about the human group, Rebecca changes the subject, or comes up with a convincing distraction.

The day started like any other. Rebecca woke up with a smile and Ravenna was onto step 206 of her plan. The queen knows she has won over the pregnant woman, but she still needs to know how to find the human group. So, she can destroy them and take down her biggest threat. Artemis: the traitor. Ravenna sends Rebecca an invitation to her room by bird. The queen is beginning to lose her patients, if this doesn't work... Ravenna might throw the annoying woman to the wolves. Rattling at the window catches Rebecca's attention. Dorothy walks to the glass panel to let the small creature in. Rebecca giggles as the little white dove flutters inside and lands on her finger.

"Hello there. Aren't you a pretty bird?" The bird fluffs its feathers in appreciation as Rebecca gently pets it with her finger. The beautiful animal sings happily at the warm affection, it's not used to it. Its master is normally cold and demanding. Never before has the bird been shown so much love.

"My lady. This is one of the Queen's messenger birds. Shall we find out what it brought to you?" Dorothy calmly asked. Rebecca blushes and nods her head. In one fluid movement, the maid unties the note and hands it to Rebecca. As soon as the message has been freed from the bird's leg, it coos in disappointment. Before it flutters out the window, returning to its master. The sadness Rebecca feels at the loss of the beautiful creature is quickly replaced by curiosity for what is written inside the note. Rebecca's maids gather close as she opens the small parchment in hopes of reading the print.

Rebecca, please join me in my quarters for a game of chess.

The three women beam with excitement. The maids know being invited to Ravenna's personal area is a huge honor. However, Rebecca's oblivious to the notes' true meaning and is simply happy to hang out with her new friend. The maids have Rebecca ready in a matter of minutes and then they are off to Ravenna's room. Nerves flow rapidly through Rebecca's veins. She's never been to Ravenna's room let alone on this side of the castle. When she first arrived, she was firmly informed that the West Wing was off-limits. Under no circumstances was she allowed to enter.

Now Rebecca's been invited and with each step her excitement builds. By the time Rebecca arrives, Ravenna's is lounging lazily in a robe sipping on her morning cup of tea. Ravenna smiles warmly at Rebecca and invites her to sit. With a swish of the Queen's hand, the tea is cleared away and replaced by a chessboard. However, this board is nothing like Rebecca has ever seen. The entire set is marble and handcrafted. The black pieces of white veins running through them, and the white pieces have black veins snaking across the surface. It's beautiful. A work of art.

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