One Missed Step

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Suddenly Valentina screams. Spinning around to see what's going on. The rest of the group is frozen, watching in horror as she slides down the sand dune. Valentina desperately claws the wet sand deeply to slow herself before she hits the rushing water below. This can't happen. I won't lose Valentina, too. Springing into action, I drop my stuff, and I run down the side of the sand dune. Finally, I got a few feet from her, and superman threw myself at her. While I'm flying, I hear Valerie wail,

"No Matt you can't! You'll drown too!" Looking back to see Ty grab Matt, he stops him from chasing after me. Shaking my head, I can't focus on them right now. Turning my head as I reach Valentina. She yelps as my hand wraps tightly around her small arm. Quickly reaching my hand to my thighs I grabbed a knife. Valentina continues to scream as we slide down the sand dune. My heart rate quickens as I finally thrust my knife deeply into the sand.

The long blade finally catches in a rock just before my feet hit the powerful water. I grunt as the water tries to tear Valentina away from my grasp. Stuck in a T position I struggle to hold her from the monstrous current. Wincing as my side screams in pain. I don't think I can pull her up... Dang injuries!!! Looking at Valentina, her eyes are filled with terror as most of her body is submerged. Tears stream down her red puffy face as she claws deeply at my arm. Her eyes beg me to keep holding on. Valentina screams as her eyes dart the water, the current is tugging at her legs. Threatening to rip her away.

"Valentina, I need you to look at me honey." I grunted. I tried to sound like I wasn't struggling with her weight, but the pain cut clearly through my voice. Valentina's teary eyes look into mine, "I know the water is strong and it's pulling you, but I need you to try to get back on the sand dune. I will help you, we just need to work together, okay?" I calmly asked her. Valentina nods her little head at me,

"Pwease don't lets me gos." Valentina cried.

"Hey, I'm not gonna let you go. We are going to the safe house together, okay?" I promised. It took a minute, but Valentina slowly nodded her head with more confidence this time. "Okay, kick your legs as hard as you can and claw up the sand dune with your other hand. I'll help you by pulling on your other arm. On the count of three. One... two... three." I yelled. Grunting as I pull her with all my strength, a few more of my stitches pop. I groan in pain, but then I feel her body begin to move out of the water and onto the sand dune. Looking back at her, "Okay now slowly climb up to me." I instructed her.

"Otay." Valentina said. I continued pulling her to help her frail body to me.

"Okay now the next part is going to be the hardest, I need you to listen to me very closely." Valentina nods her head at me. "I'm gonna let your hand go and you're gonna use it to dig both of your hands into the sand and climb up to the rest of the group."

"No! No! Yous said yous wouldn't lets me gos." Valentina cried.

"I know and it will be only a short while and I'll be below you in case you slide again. But I can't get us both up there if you don't help me, Valentina." I urged. Valentina eyes dart back to the water before she slowly nods her head. Gently letting go of her hand I grab onto her waist. She digs her hands into the sand and starts shakily climbing up. That's it. Keep going! Slowly climbing behind her we finally reached the top after a few minutes. Matt reaches his hand toward me and helps me up.

"I'm sorry I tried to help..." Matt mewled as he looked me over.

"Don't worry about it. I understand. You are their leader; they can't let you die trying to help a few." I said back.

"Great, we just wasted so much time on one child." Valerie muttered in annoyance turning towards her,

"All lives are important, not just yours." I spat. Valerie looks clearly offended, but I don't care. Looking down at Valentina, I ask her, "Can you still run?"

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now