Happily Never After

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Flashes. Memory flashes plague my vivid dreams. This time though they aren't like before. Normally my nightmares are only about my parents. They start off sweet and innocent. My parents and I at the park. Or playtime at my grandparents' house. My first day of school or my mother singing to me. But they all end the same. My parents' lifeless bodies staring up at me. This time though it's different. It doesn't feel like a dream or a fragmented memory instead it feels like a warning. My parents, Ravenna, Matt. Bits and pieces of each of these events flood my mind without rhyme or reason. They aren't chronological; there's no sense of time. They all merge together.

I feel myself beginning to wake. I can hear the drip of a faucet that hasn't been fully turned off. I can hear breathing, but I can't move. I can't open my eyes. I can only watch the visions unfold around me. The last vision is what gets to me. It's not a memory, but it almost feels like it could be. I'm floating above my body witnessing the scene below. Matt and I are lying on a hill laughing. Rolling around playfully in the green grass, wrestling. But this isn't any kind of wrestling I've done before, it's more a tumbling dance... it's not a battle of strength, but instead a battle of wills. And I want to win. Currently Matt has me pinned, but he forgets how small I am; how flexible.

He has one knee pressed between my legs and has my hands pinned above my head. He smiles victoriously, he believes he's won. I stop struggling against his iron grip and smirk at his charming face. Matt's raven hair hangs in front of his breathtaking blue eyes. My heart warms at his loving expression, but I'm not ready to give up yet. Seductively dragging my leg against his taunt back muscles, Matt shivers at my teasing. He softly moans when I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him close.

Matt blushes but accepts my embrace. My heart pounds as his intoxicating scent fills my nostrils. My head swoons at his proximity until I feel like I'm floating in the clouds above. My lips are only centimeters from his. I find myself hoping he'll make a move and forget about our game. I wish that he'll lean down and press his lips against mine. But Matt stays where he is: still as a board. Motionless as he stares into my eyes. His breathing is heavy though. His body and eyes tell me he hungers for more, but he doesn't move... Why?

Instead of lifting my head the last few centimeters and locking our lips I released my grip on him. I unwrap my legs from his hips and drop onto the soft grass. Matt pushes himself up and greedily gasps for air. Smiling wickedly at him, Matt hasn't realized his mistake yet, but I did. He's moved far enough away from me I can now slip my leg through the gap and change this match's outcome. I move so quickly the only thing Matt can do is gasp in shock. With lightning-fast reflexes, I slip my leg through the crack between us and up into his broad shoulder. Then I push his upper body with all my might. Matt suddenly releases my wrists and lands in the grass with a loud thump. I push my body from the grass as soon as he hits it. Climbing into his chest I quickly pin his squirming arms beneath my legs. Caulking my head to the side,

"It looks like the tides have turned. I think I won this time." I giggled. The happiness ringing clearly in my voice surprises me, but the vision keeps flowing. Matt growls to acknowledge he heard me but doesn't say much. Instead, he lightly kisses my thighs causing a moan to escape my lips. Looking up at the great oak tree hiding the sun behind its leafy branches I close my eyes and soak up the moment. Matt and I are here. Together. Completely in love. This is what my life needs, this is what I want. Being so distracted by Matt's soft kisses I don't feel his hands grip my thighs until it's too late. Suddenly Matt lifts me up and flips me over before he gently sets me back down onto the grass.

"I think I won." Matt growled. Hunger fills his voice. "Two can use that distraction, Alex." Smirking up at him,

"Best two out of three?" I sweetly coon as I run my hand up his arm, to his neck, and finally brush my fingers across his lips. He turns his head as I do and kisses my palm leaving it tingling.

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