Time for Her to Go

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Valerie stares at the spot he once stood in shock. Valerie wonders what went so wrong. Images of Alex's face flash through her mind. Valerie growls. If it wasn't for that woman, Matt would have taken her back by now. No matter how enraged Valerie is by Matt's rejection something nags at the back of her mind. Matt was acting strange. Plus, what business could he possibly have here? Valerie decides to investigate. She follows Matt from afar and watches his every move.

She remains close by but hidden from Matt's view. Valerie growls and goes to get a drink as soon as she sees Matt approaching Alex. She watches from the bar while they dance. Fury engulfs Valerie's heart. The glass she's holding shatters in her hand. Valerie can't confront Alex with Matt around. Therefore, she drowns her sorrows in Fuego. The more she drinks the more her mind flashes to Alex. Valerie must do something. But what? Valerie slumps onto the bar top.

As much as Valerie wishes she could be free of Alex she is also unsure. Getting rid of her is sure to upset Matt. Valerie sighs and leaves the bar. As she's headed for the exit Valerie sees Alex running for the door. Alone. Valerie smiles wickedly. She can't let an opportunity like this pass her by. Valerie quickly approached the woman she hates the most. However, before Valerie could say anything of real substance, Matt appears and drags Alex away.

Valerie watches with her arms crossed as they disappear. Screw the consequences. Alex has got to go! Valerie leaves the bar to set her plan into motion. Valerie storms out of the cave and back toward the safehouse. If Alex wants Valerie to find someone to beat her, she'll do her absolute best to find someone who can. Valerie fumes as she stomps down the hallway. She can't let that homewrecker destroy all her hard work. Valerie has been here since she was a child. Alex just got here, why is Matt so entranced by her?! Voices interrupt Valerie's thoughts. She hides in the shadows and listens,

"Who the hell does that woman think she is?"

"Someone needs to teach that ingrate lesson!"

"If only we could! Unfortunately, we just got our a***s kicked."

"And we lost our bounty. If only Ashley hadn't been saved by that woman."

"One day we will show Alex who's boss." Valerie smiles wickedly and steps forward. Removing her body from the shadows Valerie stalks toward the men whose pride has been wounded.

"But how?"

"With a little help from me." Valerie chuckled. The two men spin around in shock and raise their eyebrows at her. Everyone in the safehouse knows of Valerie. They also know not to get on her bad side.

"How could you help us?" The two men before her laughed in unison. Valerie's vindictiveness is known by everyone. However, Alex is skilled in combat. How could Valerie ever compare?

"You want to be rid of Alex. I want to be rid of Alex. If you join me, I will reward you once Matt takes me as his partner. Whatever job you want will be yours. Whatever woman you want will be given to you. Trust me and all your worries will disappear." Valerie smirked while she cleaned her fingernails. Though she didn't give her plan away. The two men who were beaten by Alex in the bar jump at the chance to bring Alex down. She quickly finds three more men who also want to be rid of Alex.

"What do we do now?"

"We wait." Valerie smiled wickedly while she laughed hollowly. All that's left is finding the perfect moment. A moment when Alex is at her weakest. A moment when Valerie's dreams will become a reality.

Alex leaves Matt in the field confused. First, she let him kiss her, but then out of nowhere Alex convulsed from his grasp. Matt didn't even get to see if Alex was okay before she simply got up and disappeared. Matt should've said more to make her stay, but all he could do was watch her as she left. Matt sighs in disappointment and lays in the dirt. What is he to do now? He told her how he felt and yet at the end of the night she ran. This is turning into a tacky Cinderella story. Matt doesn't know whether to trust his head or his heart. Matt is torn between fighting for what he wants and giving up. Ty notices Matts unease. He slowly walks over and sits next to Matt. Ty tries to give him a reassuring smile, but Matt looks away.

"What more can I do?"

"Honestly, Ahh have no idea. Perhaps yah should show her somethin different. Figure out a new way to get her to open up." Ty encourages him, but Matt looks at his friend unimpressed. Ty's advice is the least helpful thing he's heard all day. The boys sit in silence. Matt is too bewildered to speak, and Ty can't think of a way to help. They simply stare at the branches until sleep beckons them close.

"I think it's time we head back." Matt yawned.

"We'll come up with a new plan tomorrow." Matt nods his head, but deep down he doesn't believe Ty's words. Alex is too stubborn. She'll never accept him before she disappears forever. Matt's heart stinks.

The only reason he brought her here was to figure out what she was. His original intentions were to see if she was the key to winning the war. Matt's no closer to answers and yet he has fallen down an emotional rabbit hole. The longer he studies her. The more he sees. The farther he falls. Alex is selfless and brave. Though she won't admit it, Alex cares for others. She has reminded him to still have hope. To believe in more than simply survival. Matt is drawn to her in ways he cannot fathom. In ways words cannot explain. Matt kicks a rock down the dusty long hallway.

Ty looks at his friend in worry but says nothing. Ty doesn't understand Matt's feelings for Alex. The two of them both witnessed what she could do. They both have seen her true eyes and yet Matt wants her. It baffles Ty. Ty can't help remaining skeptical toward Alex. There's no way to know which side she's on. However, Ty also has witnessed Alex's heroics. Ty wants to find a way to test her. A way to find out if she'll betray them. However, until Tyler finds proof Alex isn't with them, he'll support Matt. Ty just prays Matt knows what he's doing.

By the time they return to the safe house the hallways are dimmed and deserted. Ty and Matt hear a commotion once they reach level two. They follow the noise until they find Alex struggling against a group of attackers. However, by the time they reach Alex most of her attackers have taken off. Matt carries Alex to his room while Ty escorts one of the men to the infirmary. He quickly lays her on the bed.

Matt grimaces when he finally notices Alex his shirt has been damaged beyond repair. It hangs against Alex's skin torn to pieces. He was too busy rushing her to safety to assess her situation right away. Matt quickly looks away and retrieves Alex a shirt from his stash. Once Alex is safe and dressed, Matt can no longer contain his anger. He stormed from the room. Rage fills his muscles as he stomps into the infirmary. The nurse grimaces and her words stick to the back of her throat when Matt enters. The temperature in the room plummets. The door smacks against the wall. Dr. Baldwin looks up in surprise.

"Handcuff him to the bed." Matt growled angrily.

"Why?" Dr. Baldwin's face fills with surprise, but Ty follows Matt's curt order without a second thought.

"Why did you do it?" Matt bellowed. He doesn't acknowledge Dr. Baldwin. Not now. "Why did you harm a helpless woman?"

"Helpless! Look what she did to me." The man yelled back. Fire engulfs Matt's eyes as he stalks closer.

"She should've killed you! Tell me who you were working with and perhaps I'll spare you as well!"

"Matt, please come to your senses. We don't execute people!" Dr. Baldwin insisted.

"You're right, we don't, but I do have the power to banish him." Matt looks at the man with a dark smirk, "Tell me. How long do you think you'll last on your own?" The man in the hospital bed shakes in fear.

"I only know two of the others names, Jackson and Preston. The other two the lady recruited."

"What lady?"

"I don't know, some brunette." Matt wraps his hand around the man's throat. "I swear I don't know her name!!" He wheezed in panic when Matt tightened his grip.

"Matt, that's enough. We don't torture people for information. You can lock him up after he's received treatment. Until then hands off." Dr. Baldwin scolded him. Matt reluctantly obeyed Dr. Baldwin's order due to the respect he holds for the elderly woman.

Matt spends the rest of the night rounding up the men who attacked Alex. One by one he found them and locked them each in their own cell. Sadly, no matter how hard he pressed them, not even one of them gave up Valerie. Alex was right. There's no proof of her involvement. Matt's hands are tied.

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