Food Fight

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I quickly piled food onto my plate and joined my regular table. I'm sure Matt will stop by later, but I'm starving. Besides, I can always snack while he eats. Valentina beams when I set my plate onto the table. I rarely eat dinner with them, but I do normally stop by to chat. The little girl must be happy I'll be here for the entire meal. The long wooden table is filled with familiar faces: Tucker, Ashley, Roy, Valentina, Ty, Anthony, and others chatter happily at their seats. I smile as I look around. Most of the credit to creating this rambunctious group goes to Valentina. As soon as she learned I ate alone she began gathering people who liked me. The crowd slowly grew until people began showing up on their own. My lunch became full of laughter and eventually I decided to join the table for a few minutes during dinner.

With people constantly coming and going from our table. We created permanent seats for the first few people who started the group: Valentina, Wyatt, Ashley, and me. Four seats are always left open for us. Ty started eating with us more recently. Even though Ty is newer to the group, he always manages to get a seat somehow. Even when none are left. The children will crowd together to give him space. Shaking my head, I suppose I should add him to the permanent seating list. He sure acts like he's already on it, might as well make it official. Ashley was overjoyed at his sudden appearance. The more confident she became with her weapon the more confident she acted around Ty. Slowly, they became closer. They aren't in a relationship yet, but I can see one in the future. The more I watch Ashley grow the prouder I become.

Even though my time here is quickly reaching its end, I'm becoming more confident she'll be able to protect herself. My mood turned sour at the thought of leaving. I frown and push my food around my plate. My heart doesn't want to leave. Suddenly a roll smashed into my forehead. It didn't hurt, but it definitely surprised me. Valentina loudly giggles as the table goes silent. I look up at the boisterous child with my mouth hanging open. Did she really just throw a roll at me? Before, I can say anything Valentina draws a large smile onto her face with her tiny finger.

"Smiles some Alex! My momma always saids frownin' makes yah have crows feets! I'm not exactly sure what crows feets are, but you's is way too pwetty to be gettin em." Valentina insisted with some attitude. Giggling at her dramatic performance,

"You know there's this magical tool. It's called using your words. There's no need to be throwing perfectly good food at people." I giggled back as I winked at her and shook the roll she threw. Valentina blushes and obediently nods her head.

"Ah'm not so sure bout that one Alex. Ah think little Valentina here has got a point." Shocked by Ty's words I turn in time to see him scoop a large spoonful of mashed potatoes. He smirks at me before he lifts the spoon and aims it at me. Raising my hands I shake my head at him,

"Ty... don't even-" but before I'm able to finish my sentence Ty sends the mashed potatoes flying in my direction at turbo speed. I barely jumped out of the way in time. The potatoes fly past my head and smash into the person sitting behind me. Grimacing, I watch as the potatoes drip down their neck. Suddenly Valentina screamed two lethal words: food fight. The next thing I know the entire dining hall is a food war zone. People have begun throwing food in every direction.

It's impossible to avoid all the food so I joined in. I quickly picked up a meat patty and looked for my target. Valentina's a few feet from me laughing her curly redhead off. I launched the meat patty. It hits her smack on the cheek. Gravity slowly pulls it onto the ground. However, Valentina's round cheek is covered in a thick layer of grease. She turns toward me in complete shock. I stuck my tongue at her, and Valentina's gaze darkened. My victory is short-lived because the next second a large scoop of corn smacks me in the chest. Warm juices and kernels slowly fall down my shirt and get trapped at my stomach. Ty's laughing nearby. I'm going to murder this man. That was nasty. I quickly grab a loaf of bread and hurl it out his head.

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