DC Headcannons 4

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(WARNING: This headcannon will contain a very sensitive topic, so please do not read if you cannot handle it)


-Loves cats a lot. (Whether it'd be cat clothes, cat plushies, actual cats, etc)

-Her comfort item is a cat plushie she named "Flower".

-Her dad neglects them a lot, and goes on multiple affairs with other women. (Her mom doesn't know that)

-Her mother is an alcoholic who abuses her physically.

-She has bruises that she hides under her sweater.

-She's a good climber and a good hider. (Did this multiple times due to her mother wanting to abuse her)

-She kept the psychology book that Alec lent her back in Disventure Camp. (She still keeps it because she cared for him)

-She deep down regrets betraying Alec, since she did genuinely saw him as a father figure, but tries not to show it.

-She likes to write random things in her notebook.


-Alec's parents had suffered a divorce when he was a kid, which was why he didn't want to give up the marriage so quickly.

-Alec has a fear of going bald because one kid played a prank on him when he was a child.

-Alec reads a lot of books to cope with his miserable childhood.

-Studied Psychology in college.

-Alec befriended Nick at the motel and started dating him.

-He has a strained relationship with his son, but his wife on the other hand is fractured.

-Alec likes to listen to hardrock music to vent his frustrations out.

-After All-Stars, Alec had adopted Fiore after discovering that Fiore's mother had planned to sell her to a child trafficking service for more money. (He got it from Nick)


-Nick is good at playing the guitar, but he hides it from his parents.

-Nick befriended Alec back at the motel and learned about his marriage issues.

-During his time at the motel, He apologized to Will, Ashley and Lill for betraying the alliance, It took a long time to earn their trust again. But they're cool now.

-Nick's parents gaslight him, verbally abuse him, stalk him and are VERY controlling towards his lifestyle choices in general to protect their reputation.

-He found out what they did regarding why they did it along with what happened and had cut ties with them.

-He knows a few friends who know winemaking and guitar playing. (He got it from them)

-He found out what Fiore's mom planned to do with her and told Alec about it.

-Nick once had a tattoo and piercing, but kept it a secret.

-Swears whenever he's pissed. (But NEVER at children)


-They go on coffee dates.

-They befriended each other at the motel after Alec's elimination.

-They got together after All-Stars.

-While they aren't married, Nick does ocassionally visit Alec and Fiore time to time and helps them out.

-Whenever they both do "Act 34", They would always lock the door. (they're both switches)

-Nick is the flirty one in the relationship.

-Whenever one of them is hurt, They would make tea for them.

Hope you enjoy, BAIIIIII~~~~~

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