Incorrect quotes (TomJake Edition cuz I love the ship ok)

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Here are some Incorrect quotes that are mostly filled with TomJake because I love the ship so much, Okay?

Jake: (To Tom) Why are your boobs so big?
Tom: They are not boobs.
Jake: Do you have to wear a bra?

Jake: Yo Aiden, You good at sucking dick?
Aiden: (Chuckles) I don't know, Why don't you ask Tom?
Tom: I think I'm good at sucking dick.
Aiden and Jake: O_O

Swap! Tom: We should be partners.
Swap! Jake: Like...Partners in crime?
Swap! Tom: Yeah.... That's precisely what I meant.

Jake: Are you sure Tom is gay? They barely looked at me.

Jake: We're getting married, Bitches!
Tom: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem!

(Tom seeing V! Jake in action.)
Tom: I love that man~
Kristal: Oh, He totally pegs you, doesn't he?

*Tom and Jake are flirting with each other.*
Ally: And you two are sure, you're not dating?
Tom: 100%
Jake: Of course not! Why would you think of that?
Ally: I wonder why that possibility would even cross my mind Tom, I fucking wonder.

V! Jake: I think I figured out something out. I got to go.
Tom: Aren't you forgetting something?
V! Jake: Uhh... *Hesistantly kisses Tom's forehead before running out*
Tom: No! Pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?

Swap! Jake: I think I'm falling for you.
Swap! Tom: Then get up.

Tom: Why doesn't Jake find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Aiden: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Tom: *Bites lip*
Aiden: ....Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?

Tom: Hey, What happened to your phone?
Jake: I'm saving the battery.
Tom: Saving the battery for what?
Jake: I might use the calculator later. (Tom sighs) Anyways, We might as well get used to the dark.
Tom: ....Yeah...
Jake: ...What?
Tom: Well, It's just not that great is it, I won't mind looking at the camp again, and maybe... looking at you..
Jake: (Surprised) Really? You like looking at me?
Tom: Y-Yeah... I suppose I do..
Jake: Well, I like looking at you too.
Tom: (Surprised) Oh yeah? (Jake nods, Tom smiles) Thanks...for that. :)

Okay, The last one wasn't really as funny as the rest, But I wanted to put it there because wynaut?

Anyways, Time to show a random Gacha pic of these two for no reason to end it.

Anyways, Time to show a random Gacha pic of these two for no reason to end it

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Thanks, and see yaaa~~

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