Death looms, waiting for its next victim (23)

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As they left school behind and began walking, the day's events played in their minds, but there was a comforting silence between them. Starfania didn't feel like going home right away and asked if she could chill at his place. He simply smiled at her and said. " My home is your home. "

The afternoon sun cast a long shadow on the path, guiding them to Aeron's home. With each step, the bustling energy of the school day slowly faded. Their conversation drifted from the assignments to simple, more personal topics, creating a sense of ease as they made their way to his house. Finally, as they turned the last corner, a cottage came into view. It wasn't anything fancy, to be honest, it was a little worn down but for some odd reason, it felt homie. Once closer to the door, Aeron pulled out his key to unlock the door.

He then shouted to his sister that they had a visitor. The sound of footsteps echoed through one of the hallways. She came out with a bright smile on her face that could light up even the darkest of rooms. Her hair was a light purple and a bit wavy but it was still well kept. She sported a purple overall over a white T-shirt, complemented by a dainty white bow resting on her head. However, her violet eyes stood out to Starfania. They seem to unlock many secrets inside people that try to keep them hidden from the world. If you look closer you can see a hint of blue in her eyes. Her eyes seemed to light up when she saw Starfania.

Aeron walked closer to his sister who was practically jumping where she stood as he gave his knowing smile. " How do you like your surprise, Violet? "

" Hey, Vi, " Starfania greeted her, captivated by her infectious enthusiasm. Her face lit up even more, reflecting the joy that seemed to overflow within Violet.

" Starry, it's so wonderful to see you! " she exclaimed, running toward Starfania and wrapping her in an embrace. Starfania hugged her back as they enjoyed the moment Aeron said in an offended tone. " Violet, what am I chopped liver to you? "

Violet let go of Starfania and turned to look at her big brother. " No offense brother but I practically see you all the time so you're fine on waiting for a bit. "

Aeron acted as though that had not offended him but Violet was still not giving her brother any mind and enjoyed messing with him. Starfania couldn't help but chuckle at the siblings' banter.

" Would you like to see Drogo again, Starry? I know it has been years since you last saw him. I bet he would be happy to see you. " She offered, her voice brimming with eager excitement. Enthralled by the ideas, Starfania smiled and responded, " I loved to see Drogo again and see how much he has grown. "

They followed Violet as she led them to the backyard where Drogo had a stable built for him. As they got closer to his home, a wave of wonder washed over Starfania, leaving her breathless and wide-eyed with amazement. There stood Drogo but he was much bigger than the last time Starfania saw him. When she was a little girl he was barely learning to use his wings. Now stood before she stood an unparalleled beast, its presence filling the space with an aura that commanded both awe and reverence. The dragon was a perfect blend of strength and grace even if he was simply sleeping. It left her momentarily speechless as she remembered how Drogo would always play tricks on her when he was little.

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