Uncovering the Pain Behind the Eyes (16)

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Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, she gave her a tight hug. Ms. Ren returned her embrace with a comforting warmth, her presence soothing Starfania's turbulent thoughts. " You're not alone, Starfania. Regardless of how challenging it may get, remember that you have people who care deeply for you. "

Starfania listened carefully to her words. There was a moment when she felt like the world was against her. She would sometimes push the people who cared for her away so she didn't have to suffer from the pain. The thought of having people comfort her kind of felt strange to her. Because of the recent tumult with her father, she had grown closer to both Aeron and Daniel, while Ms. Ren's wisdom was a guiding light in the labyrinth of her existence.

As they sat there, the morning sun filtering through the window, she felt a bit of hope fill up in her. Despite the lingering tension that now lingered in the castle, Starfania knew she needed strength to face whatever lay ahead. With a deep breath, she released the tension from her body as she approached the coming day.

" Thank you, Ms. Ren, " Starfania said, her voice steady and sincere. "For everything."

" You're welcome, dear, " Ren replied, her eyes shining with pride and affection. "Now, finish your breakfast. You have a big day ahead of you. "

As she resumed her meal, the weight of the morning's events began to lift. Starfania was now quietly enjoying her meal. Savoring every piece, until a soldier interrupted the quiet atmosphere, giving a small bow in respect. Starfania looked at the guard with a questioning gaze but still smiled warmly.

 He informed her that Aeron was waiting outside for her, and with that, he departed. She then turned to look at Ms. Ren, who kindly reminded her that Starfania was running behind schedule and was about to be late for school. Her eyes shot open, speeding out of her chair in a blink of an eye. Only after giving Ms. Ren one last hug before leaving. As she snatched her bag running out of the castle gate, a bit frustrated, murmuring to herself, " There is no way I'll ever make it in time. "

" Hurry up! We're going to be late! "

" I'm well aware! " Starfania said a bit sarcastically.

" I'm well aware! " Starfania said a bit sarcastically

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