Think before Speaking (13)

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However, rather than diffusing the tension, her words seemed to escalate his agitation. He exploded into a fit of rage, his voice thundering. " I sent a message to the school to inform them that you wouldn't be attending today! "

His sudden outburst filled Starfania with an overwhelming wave of irritation. Although her patience was rapidly declining, she was determined to maintain a steady voice.

" Why didn't you inform me about this? Or better yet, if you sent the school a message, why didn't they say anything regarding it? " she asked, eager to grasp the situation before it could escalate further.

" I did inform you, but it seems you young ones always find an excuse, even though I told you this morning, and your school is full of a bunch of imbeciles who don't know how to do their jobs properly, " he answered without hesitation.

" That's not true! The only thing you mentioned was to stay behind and train. Not once did that come into the conversation. " Starfania countered, her voice rising even more despite her effort to stay calm. " I didn't hear you say anything about it. If I had known beforehand, I wouldn't have gone to school. Why is it so hard for you to consider my perspective for once? "

Cesar's face flushed with anger. " Your perspective! Do you think your perspective is more important than our family's honor and responsibility? You're supposed to be training, not wasting time on trivial matters! "

" Trivial matters? " Starfania echoed, her anger bubbling to the surface. " Education is not trivial! It's crucial for my future, for understanding the world beyond these walls. You can't just dictate my life without any input from me! "

The room crackled with tension, the air thick with unspoken words and deep-seated frustrations. Starfania's father's rigid expectations clashed violently with her yearning for autonomy and understanding.

" Starfania, " he said, his voice trembling with suppressed fury, " You must understand that everything I do is for your good. You have a duty to this family, to this legacy. If you cannot see that, then perhaps you need to reconsider your priorities. "

" And perhaps you need to reconsider yours, " she shot back, her voice cold. " A family isn't just about duty and legacy. It's about understanding, support, and respect. But you forgot about that ever since mom passed away and now all you ever do is focus on this kingdom, then your daughter. "

" I had to make sure Vulcanfire was still standing after that devastating loss we faced. One of us had to be responsible and I know that you are too irresponsible to do a simple task. " Cesar said with a more defensive tone. A heavy silence fell between them. To where he muttered a few words under his breath about how Starfania was acting like a child.

This caught her off guard as she realized that her father would only look at her as a child and not as the young woman she had grown into. No matter how hard she tries to please, she simply will never be good enough. That he would put a whole nation before her. Starfania simply wanted her father to console her and help her navigate these emotions she had been feeling after her mother's passing. Yet it looks like he will turn a blind eye to the situation. Only seeing her as an asset he use in the later future, and without realizing the words simply came out, " I wish you weren't my father. "

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