Shattered Serenity (31)

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After the incident in the restroom, Starfania's mind was still racing, and she couldn't even focus on the lesson. The minute the school bell rang, symbolizing the end of another school day. She was quick to leave the classroom. She stepped outside the school gates, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Desperate to escape the weight of the day and find some peace. Starfania just wanted to calm her beating heart and get away from it. So she went to the one place that brought her some sort of comfort, but right as she was about to leave, a voice called out her name. Turning her head, she saw Aeron running towards her. His hands were on his knees as he took several deep breaths. " You have got to stop making a habit out of this, princess. "

Normally Starfania would get on Aeron's case for calling her that title, but her eyes seemed to be void of any light. Her eyes were a bit wider and her jaws were a bit looser than before. You could almost see the walls slowly building around her as she watched her surroundings with much caution. Aeron slowly reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. Patiently, he waited for Starfania to tell him, realizing that now was not the time to ask for what was wrong. As they began making their way towards Bone Cave, unsure of what lay ahead. There they stood before the gaping mouth of the cave, yet even when Starfania stood before it. Didn't seem to ease the pain in her. The ominous chill in the air only seemed to grow more palpable, wrapping around her like a snake. Every rustle of wind, every flicker of shadow, sent her mind spiraling with thoughts about the mysterious figure known as Castle Keeper.

Abruptly, Starfania was jolted back to reality by the sound of Aeron's voice calling her name, shattering the tense silence that settled around them. She straightened her posture, forcing herself to look Aeron in the eye. He gave her a reassuring smile, trying to soothe her mind. Which caused her to give a smile towards Aeron and he couldn't help but cheer for himself. Aeron could get a smile to appear on her face, even if it was small. As they ventured deeper into the cave, fear and curiosity coiled together inside her, creating an unsettling tension. Every twist and turn heightened the suspense, their footsteps echoing faintly against the walls, mingling with the whisper of doubt in her mind. Then, a flicker of movement caught the corner of her eye, making her instinctively turn, heart racing. But there was nothing- just shadows and the persistent feeling of vulnerability. Was it real, or had her imagination, wild and unchecked, taken over as the darkness surrounded them?

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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