Uncovering the Pain Behind the Eyes (20)

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While the two friends were eating their meal in peace Aeron abruptly stood up from his seat and swiftly headed out of the cafeteria. Starfania was briefly taken aback by his sudden exit. She was quick to compose herself and hurriedly closed the gap between them, wondering what had caused this reaction from him. She could see how his legs seemed to be the ones carrying him as he mumbled some words that she couldn't quite catch on to. Once she was in close range with a calm demeanor, she asked, " Hey, what's wrong? "

He seemed to stop briefly pondering whether he should tell Starfania or simply keep walking away from it. Aeron was a bit hesitant at the moment, his eyes looking everywhere but at Starfania. Finally, he took a deep breath and responded, " It's just... a lot on my mind lately. I didn't want to burden you with it. "

Starfania placed a reassuring hand on his arms. " You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you, no matter what. "

He looked down, a small, grateful smile on his lips. " I know, Starfania. It's just... there's something I've been dealing with, and I haven't quite figured out how to deal with it. "

His words only seemed to heighten Starfania's worry. " What is it maybe I can help? "

Aeron simply sighed, running a hand through his hair. " It's complicated. "

The hot air seemed to blow around them as his pain slowly began to suffocate him from the inside. She waited patiently for him to come closer to her. Starfania didn't want to step an boundaries. His mind continued to run as his eyes got lower with each second. With his next breath, Aeron shouted from the top of his lungs, unleashing a whirlwind of despair as he dared to voice his feelings, " This place fills me with nothing but hatred!!! "

His eyes reflected an intense pain, revealing his deep longing for the comfort of conversation. He craved the chance to release the heavy burden weighing on his heart. Starfania walked a bit closer to him wanting to pull him into a hug, but she didn't want to break any boundaries. She just waited for him to process whatever was on his mind.

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