Death looms, waiting for its next victim (28)

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A small smile appeared on Starfania's face as she recalled the events and remembered how many times they almost gave their parents a heart attack. Their parents would scold them for stealing their dragon so that they could race against one another. The fathers found the situation amusing and impressed by their ability to ride them at such a young age. Even though she enjoyed those moments when she was a little, a lot has changed from back then. Now she was hesitating. With a look of concern, she asked, " And what about Violet? Are you sure? Do you understand the risk, especially if we get caught or reach full flight? "

Aeron's expression softened, and he nodded thoughtfully. " Yes, I know. But I don't want fear to stop us from living life to the fullest. "

Before Starfania could say anything else, to try to convince him that it was a bad idea. He turned to Violet, who was beaming with excitement. " Do you want to watch us race? "

Violet nodded eagerly, her wide grin lighting up her face. The two of them exchanged determined glances as they dragged Starfania with them. Heading straight to their starting line. Bone and Drogo followed behind them, also ready to stretch their wings. They hopped onto their significant dragon and Starfania mumbled, " I guess we're doing this. "

The dragons seemed to understand the significance of the moment, their eyes gleaming with determination. Aeron declared with a grin, " Let's race across the entire nation! The first one back wins "

Even though Starfania was against this race, being on top of Bone's back seemed to put her mind at ease. Especially when he turned his head to look at her to give her some reassurance. So with a heavy breath, Starfania rested her racing heart and was ready for this. As Violet's enthusiastic voice rang out, " ON YOUR MARK, GET SET... GO! " they launched into the race, the thrill of competition fueling their every move.

Filled with ambition, they embarked on an exhilarating adventure, with Drogo leading the way and Bone closely following. The dragon surged forward with unstoppable speed, their powerful wings cutting through the air as they vanished from sight, leaving behind only the echoes of wind. As the wind whipped fiercely against their face, pushing them onward as they raced across Vulcanfire. Growing near the end of their quest, the awe-inspiring castle loomed on the horizon. Aeron remained still in the lead, his dragon keeping a respectful distance with unwavering resolve.

The finish line was just in sight. Drogo and Bone summoned every ounce of strength, pushing themselves to their limits in a bid to seize victory. The vast entrance from which their journey had begun appeared before them, stirring deep emotions as it represented the reason why they were doing this. It was enjoying these moments that allowed them to escape reality. Racing made them feel like their wings weren't clipped. Like they could race against the wind and feel like they're on top of the world. Drogo and Bone were radiating determination, pressing forward. Their desire to reach the finish line first was growing more intense with each passing moment.

With an extraordinary burst of speed, Bone propelled Starfania across the finish line. Landing triumphantly in front of the cavern entrance, with Aeron and Drogo following closely behind. The air was filled with jubilation as they all celebrated their successful race. As each of the friends jumped off, their dragons rushed towards one another as Aeron yelled with such excitement, " Man, that was so outstanding! You were flying like a rocket! "

" What are you talking about?! You were in the lead for most of that race! " Starfania said as she jumped in a circle. Clapping her hand from all the excitement. Violet, on the other hand, was running around them flapping her hand. Almost like dragon wings, " Ya'll were zooming through the sky! I was yelling the whole time, almost like it was a carnival ride! "

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