Chapter 3: Think Before Speaking

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As the school day comes to a close, Aeron and Starfania make their way out of the school grounds. They each began their respective journeys home when Aeron turned to Starfania with a proposition.

" Shall we walk home together? " he asked softly. Taken by surprise by the unforeseen yet delightful suggestion, she promptly consented and responded, " Absolutely, but would it be possible for us to make a brief detour beforehand? "

The silence was pierced by a sudden pause, only to be shattered by the resonating sound of Aeron's voice.

" We can make that happen, " he replied, his eagerness to be accommodating apparent in his tone. Filled with exhilaration, Starfania beamed with a vibrant smile and exclaimed, " Alright, let's embark on this adventure! "

As they walked, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the nation. Their footsteps echoed in sync on the pavement, a silent testament to their friendship. The tension from earlier in the day seemed to have disappeared with each step, replaced by a comforting sense of calm.

" So, where are we headed? " Aeron asked, his curiosity piqued. Starfania glanced at him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. " And spoiled the surprise, where's the fun in that? "

Aeron simply laughed at her comment as he saw the light in her eyes once again just like when they were kids. How her eyes would sparkle when she talked about a sense of adventure. It brought him hope that she would one day show that brilliant light again. As they continued their journey, the conversation flowed naturally. They talked about everything and nothing, their words weaving a tapestry of shared memories and dreams.

They strolled along a rugged path, marveling at the quaint shops nestled along the way until they reached a magnificent bridge with a mysterious cave beckoning in the distance

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They strolled along a rugged path, marveling at the quaint shops nestled along the way until they reached a magnificent bridge with a mysterious cave beckoning in the distance. As Starfania was about to enter, her eyes were immediately drawn to the intricately carved walls, while the scent of musty air filled her senses. Amazed by the cave's beauty and historical significance, she paused to take it all in. Aeron, standing beside her, wondered aloud, " What makes the cave so captivating? "

With a playful smile, Starfania replied, "We're here to see someone. "

She then turned to him, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. " I came to see an old friend. "

As they venture deeper into the cave, Starfania becomes aware of a profound transformation in Aeron's demeanor. His usual confidence seemed to waver, replaced by a palpable sense of unease. Sensing his discomfort, she delicately clasped his hand and comfortingly assured him, " You know, if you don't feel at ease, it's completely acceptable to opt-out. "

Aeron exhaled audibly, a tremendous sense of relief evident in his sigh. He gave a slow, affirming nod, feeling comforted by her words. His fear subsided as he smiled back at her.

" Surprisingly, " he replied, " I do want to come with you. "

Starfania nodded in agreement, offering a comforting squeeze to his hand. " So, well face this challenge together. I'll be by your side, every step of the way. "

Together, they walked further into the cave, their steps echoing off the walls. The air grew cooler, and the light dimmer, their presence was the only thing emitting warmth. Starfania had taken the lead, her familiarity with the cave evident in every step. They soon reached a spacious chamber, illuminated by soft, glowing crystals embedded in the walls. Suddenly, a thick cloud of smoke billowed out from behind us, accompanied by a menacing growl. Aeron and Starfania quickly turned around, their eyes widening with apprehension as a gigantic metallic dragon emerged from the depths of the caves. With an eerier luminosity in the darkness, its piercing eyes shone, while its snarling mouth twisted in a sinister grimace.

 With an eerier luminosity in the darkness, its piercing eyes shone, while its snarling mouth twisted in a sinister grimace

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They had stumbled upon the very lair-the sanctuary of the mighty dragon. An immense wave of fear overcame them, rendering their bodies motionless as they felt an overpowering sense of helplessness. We stood there, frozen in petrified stillness, knowing their destiny was at stake. They felt small against the enormous dragons, as it emitted an ominous presence that filled the air with intimidation. The metallic body was further enhanced by vibrant crimson stripes, filling them with an overwhelming sense of dread. As the dragon's growl echoed through the cave, Starfania stepped forward, her demeanor changed as the stark contrast from fear to confidence.

" Hey don't be afraid, " she said, her voice steady and reassuring. " Bone is not our enemy. "

Starfania glanced at Aeron, who was gripping her hand tightly, his face pale with fear. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

" Look at me Bone, it's me Starfania, don't you remember? " she asked, her voice trembling a bit. The dragon's eyes narrowed, focusing on the duo. It lowered its head, bringing its massive snout closer to them. Starfania could feel the heat of its breath on her face, a mixture of smoke and unidentifiable metallic scents. As she swallowed hard, her grip tightened on Aeron's hand. She stepped forward, raising her free hand slowly. " Bone, we mean no harm. I simply wanted to check on you since I have been forbidden from entering this cave. Due to the great incident that fell upon this Nation. "

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