Death looms, waiting for its next victim (26)

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They had finally arrived at the entrance of the cave, where Bone awaited them. Starfania's heart was pounding with anticipation as she prepared for what was coming. Though they had entered together, Starfania found herself drifting towards solitude, walking a few paces behind the group. As they approached the luminous mouth of the cave, a slumbering dragon stirred from the shadows. His gaze fixated on them and, with a mighty roar, he unraveled his majestic wings, gradually drawing nearer to them. Drogo became a bit defensive, especially since he was drawing closer to his human. He was getting ready to pounce on him but Aeron looked towards him and simply shook his head. His ears were still somewhat leaned back, but he was willing to be somewhat patient.

Bone had lowered his head closer to Drogo and Violet as he carefully sniffed the surrounding air. His massive nostrils flared as he took in their scents. After a moment, he stepped back. Making somewhat of a chirping sound towards his new companions. His wings started flapping up and down while his head was doing a little bob. The sight of his gentle demeanor put them both at ease. Slowly, Bone was playfully caressing Violet, drawing a giggle from her that echoed through the cave. The others quickly joined in the playful exchange, leaving Starfania on the sideline, observing with a mix of emotion. She watched them closely, feeling a slight pang of being left out, yet also overwhelmed with joy at their happiness.

She didn't know if Aeron was still mad at her and was considering ending their friendship. That is why she decided to stay behind and simply enjoy the scene playing out in front of her. These thoughts were swirling in her mind as she approached a sturdy rock to sit upon, allowing herself to reflect even more. Even if she was just trying to shut her mind off already. As she watched their game unfold, she couldn't help but marvel at the abundant love shared between them. A smile crept on her face as she pictured doing this stuff with her little brother. Yet that smile was quick to disappear again as reality woke her up. Knowing she will never be able to get the childhood she had dreamed for so long. So watching this now was the next best thing she could ask for.

As the lively atmosphere continued to fill the cave, Aeron couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Starfania. He watched as she slowly moved to the edge of the cave, her movement hesitant, almost as if she was retreating into her thoughts. The sight tugged at something deep within him. It wasn't like Starfania to pull away like this, and a quiet worry began to gnaw at him. Had something changed? Was there something he missed? Determined to understand, Aeron shifted his attention entirely to Starfania, observing the subtle changes in her demeanor. He could see the weight of something unspoken in her eyes, and the more he watched, the more his concern grew.

Violet, who had been happily playing with Drogo and Bone, suddenly paused and followed Aeron's gaze. You know, considering he is always trying to take care of Violet, though, he needs to work on his social cues. So she decided to give him a helping hand on this.

" Big brother, " Violet said softly, tugging on Aeron's sleeve. " I think Starry's feeling a little sad. Do you think maybe something you said hurt her? "

Aeron's heart sank at Violet's words. He hadn't intended to upset Starfania, but as he replayed their earlier conversation in his mind, he realized how his words might have come across. Violet, who is always in perspective despite her young age, has noticed what he hadn't, and the thought filled him with remorse.

" Do you think so, Vi? " Aeron asked, his voice tinged with worry. Violet nodded, her expression serious. " I do. You should go talk to her. I know she cares about you, and she probably just needs to hear that you care, too. "

Aeron looked over at Starfania, standing alone by the cave entrance, and knew Violet was right. He had to make things right, to let Starfania know that her feelings mattered to him. Taking a deep breath, Aeron resolved to approach her, hoping he could mend whatever distance had grown between them.

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