Godzilla Headcanon

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Showa Godzilla is a snowflake in a blizzard because, omg, compared to other Godzillas, he might as well be a completely different kaiju

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Showa Godzilla is a snowflake in a blizzard because, omg, compared to other Godzillas, he might as well be a completely different kaiju. This godzilla is a complete goofball; he's pretty chill, friendly, and heroic. He also believes in second chances; I mean, he was given a second chance, as was Showa Rodan, and they became better, so he tries to give everyone one chance. Showa Godzilla doesn't get serious unless you either piss him off or if he wants to. When Showa Godzilla is serious, he acts like his old self or like the other godzilla's. He becomes completely stoical, serious, and vengeful. When he's vengeful, oh boy, you're in for a treat. Showa Godzilla will track you to the ends of the earth, and depending on what you did to encure his wrath, such as attacking cities or whatever, he'll just fight you and either kill you or let you live with a warning. But let's say you kill someone like Showa, Angurius, or Minilla. Yeah, he's going to kill you. He also likes dancing.

Now Heisei Godzilla acts completely different from Showa Godzilla

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Now Heisei Godzilla acts completely different from Showa Godzilla. This Godzilla is quiet, stoical, and aggressive. He's like young Kratos. The atomic dinosaur doesn’t exactly show any signs of emotions besides aggression. Heck, he doesn’t really show any emotion around his son, Godzilla Junior. Granted, he does care for the kiddo and without hesitation will sacrifice his life if he gets to live, but he would rather show his love or affection through actions rather than words. He can get angry very easily. Heisei Godzilla is also the kind of Godzilla to hold grudges, so you wrong him in any way, and I mean anyway. He’s going to track you down and kill you. The humans are a good example, granted, though unlike some other Godzilla's, he’s justified in doing this because of what they did to him. This kaiju will follow you into hell if it means he can kill you. Hesiei Godzilla only attacks other Kaiju’s when they either piss him off, they’re in the way, or they have something he wants. Take, for example, Hesiei Rodan. He had the Godzilla egg, and Hesiei Godzilla wanted that. Hesiei Mothra and Battra got in the way. Space Godzilla? Yeah, stealing his son is a great way to piss him off.

 Space Godzilla? Yeah, stealing his son is a great way to piss him off

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He’s also different, like Showa, but not in a good way. GMK Godzilla can best be described as a demon or beast. He is formed from suffering, so he enjoys watching others suffer, so he takes great joy in destroying cites and especially killing other kaiju. Like GMK Baragon, he’ll play with his food before killing it. GMK Godzilla is also immortal, or at least his heart; this Godzilla’s body, while durable, can be destroyed. He kills anyone, regardless of if they’re a guardian, kaiju, or human; he doesn’t care.

Final Wars Godzilla is like Heisei Godzilla but does have moments; think of him like Old Kratos

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Final Wars Godzilla is like Heisei Godzilla but does have moments; think of him like Old Kratos. While stoical, he’s willing to show emotion and has had his soft moments here and there. Final Wars, Godzilla is quiet, chill, stoical, and secretly a softie. Even though he wouldn’t admit it openly. Now Final Wars obviously holds grudges; heck, after he was freed from the ice, the first thing he did was try to destroy the Gotengo, and when that didn’t work, he literally chased all around the world, fighting Kaijus just to destroy it, so don’t get on his bad side. Compared to Hesiei, Final Wars has a decent relationship with his fellow Kaijus and only attacked humanity because of the bomb they dropped. Despite that, he has a good relationship with Final Wars Anguruis, Rodan, King Ceaser, and maybe a soft spot for a certain Moth and his son, Minilla.

 Despite that, he has a good relationship with Final Wars Anguruis, Rodan, King Ceaser, and maybe a soft spot for a certain Moth and his son, Minilla

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Legendary Godzilla is like Hesiei Godzilla, minus (one) the villiance and lack of emotions. He’s quiet, stoical, cocky, and neutral. This Godzilla has an ego, and kind of like GMK, he does play with his food. Kong would be a good example. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get serious; bruising his ego is a great way of making him mad. He’s mostly quiet and doesn’t really any friendships with any Titans besides 2, Mothra, and Angurius. Other than that, his fellow titans are considered acquaintances. Around Mothra and Angurius he does show something besides indifference or grumpiness. He does have a soft side, but he will only show it around Mothra. For the most part, he’s a chaotic neutral; everything he does has a reason, such as him attacking the humans for their creation of Mecha Godzilla or Ghidorah for killing Angurius and trying to steal his place as Alpha. He kind of holds grudges but is willing to let them go or postpone them, and he’s honorable; an example of this would be Kong with letting him go after they defeated Mecha Godzila.

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