Scar King and Shimo Headcanon

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(I mean, what do you expect when you see two of the new titans in a headcanon? But whatever. Don't complain if some things get spoiled.)

(Good? Okay)

Scar King

Scar King is Power Hungry, Malicious, Evil, Warlord, and a Dictator

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Scar King is Power Hungry, Malicious, Evil, Warlord, and a Dictator. The orangutan titan is power hungry cause he wants to control everything and everyone, which would explain why he went to war with Godzilla for the surface of earth. He's practically obsessed with getting out of Hollow Earth just to take control of it. Scar King is a dictator and acts like one too; he's evil and considers his subjects tools, and just like tools, he'll throw them away when they're of no use or to make a point and show why you shouldn't disobey him. Example: the king who was kicked into the lava when they tried defending Suko. The warlord, for obvious reasons, wants to conquer the whole planet, or at least the surface. His rule is law; if you disobey him, you're dead, if he finds something funny, it's funny to everyone; if it isn't, it's not funny. Example: Kong has a steel tooth, which he made fun of, and everyone was nervously laughing. His biggest and most valuable thing is Shimo, the first Titan, The Mother of All Titans, under his command. He sees her as a tool—a more valuable one that has its benefits. The orangutan titan sees Kong as a threat to his rule; him having the axe doesn't help, which is why he tries attacking and killing him.


Shimo, The Mother of All Titans, is quite rebellious, slightly aggressive, ancient, pain, and old

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Shimo, The Mother of All Titans, is quite rebellious, slightly aggressive, ancient, pain, and old. The ice reptile Titan is old because she's the mother of all titans and the first Titan so, yeah, she's old. Shimo is quiet; I mean, what's the point? When she was under Scar King's control, he would use that damn crystal piece of hers to shut her up, and for her to be under his control for so long, it became natural. Rebellious because, in some scenes, she seems to struggle or refuse to do what Scar King wants before he has to use it again. An example of this would be him commanding her to attack Kong or move so he can ride her. (Pause.) She's slightly, no, aggressive because she bottled her emotions up and holds a, well, you can't measure how much she despises that damn ape.

She also holds a lot of respect for Kong for freeing her from Scar King. So, she was willing to bow to him, not because he freed her but because he genuinely is a good Titan. Plus, he is nice to her and gives her pats and rubs her chin, which she loves. (Oh my god, people are so going to ship them.)

So, I watched the movie today, and OMG, my favorite MonsterVerse movie ever!!! Shimo is one of my favorite kaijus and titans, along with King Kong.

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