My Fallout Characters

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Six (Fallout New Vegas)

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Six (Fallout New Vegas)

Six, Six......? Is that his name? He honestly can't remember. Six for the most part is quiet, vigilante, and kind. Six is quiet and doesn't really talk to people unless someone started the conversation, he's a vigilante, kinda like the desert rangers he tries to protect people who can't defend themselves, and for the most part he's a kind person who can be very charitable.

He uses a Ranger Sequoia, and that's his primary weapon he likes using revolvers, but he does carry a plasma rifle and survivalist rifle. He's also freakishly strong like about as strong as Legate Lanius and just as dangerous. He is scary good with a revolver and plasma rifle.

He doesn't remember much of his life after he was shot, but he does remember things in flashes. A woman with red hair....who he thinks is his mother? Some super mutant in Power Armor....calling him his little soldier. He knows a little more than the average wastelander about American, him being in a camp called Navarro? And he knows about the Enclave.

 He knows a little more than the average wastelander about American, him being in a camp called Navarro? And he knows about the Enclave

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Phoenix (Fallout 3)

Phoenix is smart, kind, and resourceful. Thanks to dear old dad, Phoenix is really into science stuff as well as weapons, he knows his way around any gun. Phoenix also knows how to hack in to terminals quite easily, give him a minute and he'll have full access. Phoenix is also a kind kid once you get to know him and will help anyone regardless of pay or not. He can be resourceful with solving problems.

He primarily uses energy weapons such as Wazer Rifle, Captains Sidearm, Alien Destabilizer, Tesla Cannon, Gauss Rifle, and Lincoln's repeater.

After the events of well everything, Mothership Zeta, Broken Steel, Anchorage, everything he grew tired so he talked to Elder Lyonns and left the Capital Wasteland to wander. Only taking his weapons and his trusted companion Dog Meat.

 Only taking his weapons and his trusted companion Dog Meat

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Wood (Fallout 4)

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Wood (Fallout 4)

Red is quiet, calm, authoritative, and adaptable. Due to Red being in the Military he has been trained to be adaptable in survival situations. Red can be authoritative when he needs to be. Red doesn't really talk to anyone unless he's spoken to, or if he's near one of his friends. For the most part, Red is calm in bad situations.

Weapons Red uses are Righteous Authority, experiment 18-A, Tesla Cannon, a Knife, and Qauss Rifle.

Red is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel as well the General of the Minuteman. He splits his time between the two factions. So he doesn't have that much free time when he does he primarily rests at his old home in sanctuary Hills. Where he raises his child, Shawn. He may secretly blow off both factions to spend time with his child.

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