Showa Era Gamera Headcanon

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Gamera is a rather interesting kaiju; unlike his other two variants, he wasn't created by the Atlantans but rather by the earth

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Gamera is a rather interesting kaiju; unlike his other two variants, he wasn't created by the Atlantans but rather by the earth. The turtle kaiju is kind, lonely, smart, and heroic. He genuinely is a good kaiju and feels bad for what he did when he woke up. Part of the reason he did what he did was because he was seen as a monster, so he thought he'd become their monster. Gamera is really lonely; his fellow Kaijus try to kill him, so he doesn't exactly have many friends. Except for Itchi, which is part of the reason why he likes children (pause), they don't see him as a monster or something that needs to be put down compared to adults who want to kill him. He's smart because...he was able to repair an alien spaceship, yeah, arguably the smartest kaiju out there. He becomes better when the humans slowly start trusting him, causing him to become better. He is also a goofball once you get to know him, and he is a great battle tactician. 

Barugon, the first Kaiju Gamera, fought

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Barugon, the first Kaiju Gamera, fought. Barugon is apathetic, smart, and curious. He's apathetic because he doesn't really care about anything. Heck, when he started destroying the city, he was only doing that out of curiosity, to see what would happen and to test out what he could do. The iguana/gecko kaiju enters a sort of trance whenever he sees a red light or something similar to the one that hatched him from his egg. Finally, he's deathly afraid of water.

Gyaos the pterodactyl kaiju, the vampire of kaijus

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Gyaos the pterodactyl kaiju, the vampire of kaijus. Gyaos is calculated, bloodthirsty, evil, and smart. Gyaos is evil because he eats humans specifically for their blood regardless of age; he's smart with how he acts, such as spamming his laser beam while keeping his distance and when to come out of his cave, or if he needs to cut off a limb or leave when the sun comes out; he's quite aware of Gamera's existence; vice versa; and he knows if he wants to get to the humans, he'll need to take care of the turtle. Secretly, he's afraid of the sun and any source of heat, such as fire or lava.

 Secretly, he's afraid of the sun and any source of heat, such as fire or lava

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Viras, the squid kaiju, Viras is manipulative, loyal, and smart. Viras is smart; he was able to figure out Gamera's fondness for children, and he knew the best way to get Gamera under their control was to use that to their advantage, but if the children, for some reason, wouldn't work or whatever, he'd kill them. To him, it's like throwing away a broken toy. He's loyal to the Virasians and will do anything they say, regardless of whether it's right or wrong.

Guiron, before he was mind-controlled, was more of a neutral kaiju; he really wanted to sleep and rest

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Guiron, before he was mind-controlled, was more of a neutral kaiju; he really wanted to sleep and rest. But after the Terrans mind controlled him, he acted as a shell of himself, like a dog, only doing what his "masters" told him.

Jiger, a weird reptile kaiju, is the first female kaiju Gamera ever fight

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Jiger, a weird reptile kaiju, is the first female kaiju Gamera ever fight. She's quiet, malicious, and lonely. Kinda like Gamera, she's a lonely Kaiju I mean, if you were locked away for centuries, you tend to get lonely too. For the most part, she doesn't really talk to other kaijus or really anyone. She can be malicious, such as using Gamera as a surrogate for her children against his will. She felt extreme sadness and anger when she found out her kids were dead, but on the bright side, she didn't feel much after she found out.

 She felt extreme sadness and anger when she found out her kids were dead, but on the bright side, she didn't feel much after she found out

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Zigra is evil, a warlord, apathetic, and selfish. Zigra sees humanity as nothing more than cattle, cattle that needs to go to the butcher; she's a warlord wanting nothing more than to conquer Earth and use humanity as food before moving onto another planet and doing the same thing, she's selfish because she'll do anything if it means she'll live or if it benefits her in some way. She's apathetic to all that she has committed; hell, the alien fish would probably smirk or laugh if you ever confronted her about it.

My God, it's finally done, so context. Originally, I was filling this out as I was watching the movies, but I just finished Gamera vs. Gyaos and it has been two weeks since I said to someone I would do it, so I just decided to do some research on that kaiju, so yeah. I hope ye enjoyed Space Cowboys.

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