Yandere Final Wars Godzilla

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(So, I decided to do a Yandere headcanon for one of my favorite Godzilla's. (P.S. The reader is gender neutral.)

Final Wars Godzilla, as a yandere, would be possessive, obsessive, controlling, and easily jealous.

Final Wars Godzilla is incredibly possessive over you; he wants you near him all the time and gets rather aggressive and angry if you want time away from him or if you're taken away. He snaps at everyone and anything, regardless of whether they did anything to him or not. The only kaiju, or thing in general, he doesn't snap at is his son, Minilla. The atomic dinosaur heavily holds his anger back with his son and would probably go and tell him to do something or to go back to their cave while he searches for his mother/father.

Godzilla is incredibly obsessive about you; he doesn't want anyone to have you; you're his queen/king and no one else. So, don't expect to have any free time for yourself ever. If you want to do something, he'll be right by your side or supervising you like a parent watching their child play.

The atomic dinosaur is rather controlling of you. He doesn't think you should have a say in what he does with you because he knows best. That doesn't mean he won't listen to ''suggestions," as he calls them. If you have an idea of what to do with Minilla or Kaiju, he'll listen, but if he doesn't agree with it, he'll do it his way, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.

Day-to-day life is the same for the most part, you wake up next to him, get breakfast with him, he watches you play with Minilla...yeah, no free time, whatsoever. The one time you might have some alone time is when he has to deal with a kaiju, on the one claw he doesn't want you to get hurt or possibly taken away from him, on the other claw, you could run away, or get attacked by a kaiju...hmm he would probably have Anguirus watch over you and if something were to happen to you while Anguirus had to watch you over you...well, he didn't need a best friend anyway.

Now before you get together, Godzilla will silently observe you whether it would be from afar or when he sees you around. The atomic dinosaur would try and figure out how you work and tick, compared to any other kaiju he acts different with you, well, excluding the yandere tendencies he'll be soft around you and if you do as he says he'll treat you well and protect you. He shows his affection through actions like holding and cuddling you, maybe, oh I don't know, saying in a whisper I love you.

He gets extremely jealous if you talk to any male/female Kaiju's that aren't him or Minilla. So, understandable Godzilla will either kill them or threaten them to back off. Expect him to also get angry at you. He told you not to talk to any of them; why couldn't you just listen? Don't bother to try and argue with him; he won't listen, or he'll interrupt you.

If you ever try to bring these issues up with Godzilla, he'll get annoyed and say nothing is wrong, and if you try pleading your case, the atomic dinosaur will get angry and yell at you. Godzilla yelling at you will just be him trying to convince you that nothing is wrong with your relationship and that you are just not thinking straight or something. So yeah, gaslighting is also in his cards.

Let's say you get tired of how he's acting, and you try leaving him...Oh boy, grab your popcorn because you're in for a show. He will yell at you and question, why would you even suggest breaking up. He loves you, and you want to break up with him? You don't care about their relationship. The atomic dinosaur would make sure you don't get a single word in as he continues to yell at you. Getting himself worked up, a certain hum would begin alongside a blue color forming on his bone-white dorsal. He won't attack you, but he won't do it.

In terms of Minilla, he's fine with you playing with him, he considers the young Godzilla to not be a threat or a kaiju who would attempt to steal you, why? Well, he kinda has a plan, basically making Minilla sees you as your Mom/Dad. So, yeah.

Okay, let's say you had enough and you try to run away, run away? Ah, cute. That won't work no, no, the moment Godzilla finds out you're missing, not only that but you ran away from him? Oh, he'll trace and track you down. He'll search every inch of the ocean, all the land, heck he might even consider looking in the core of the earth. But if you're a protector like Mothra, he'll destroy cities to try and coax you to get out.

Once he finally finds you, he'll drag you back to his cave, well that's if he's feeling generous. Whatever he decides he'll yell at you, kinda like a drill sergeant, after everything he's done for you. You run away!?! The atomic dinosaur will yell at you until he fires his atomic breath into the sky, maybe once, or multiple times. Afterward, he'll drag you back, then forget about doing things you like, cause he won't let you, Godzilla will start watching you like a hawk so good luck pulling this stunt again, cause he doesn't forget, he'll forgive you, in time, but forgetting? No, no, no.

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