Yandere Legendary Godzilla

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(I decided to do a Yandere Headcanon for another one of my favorite Godzilla's)

Legendary Godzilla or Godzilla as a Yandere would be Possessive, Controlling, Obsessive, Toxic, and Manipulative

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Legendary Godzilla or Godzilla as a Yandere would be Possessive, Controlling, Obsessive, Toxic, and Manipulative

Whenever Godzilla develops his feelings for you, whether it's at first sight or one day, I can see him immediately pursuing you. He might hold off for a little just to get to know you a little bit, well if he doesn't already know you, in which case he'll immediately pursue you.

Godzilla is rather possessive of you, he doesn't like anyone near his Queen/King and especially hates when their attention is taken away from him, if they aren't near him, oh my god his mood becomes even more grumpier and snappy. Heck even looking at him wrong earns a glare, trying to talk to him will earn you a forced grunt or a Yes? Once they return to him, he becomes calmer and not as mean, well not to his mate anyway, when you try to leave I can see him coming up with an excuse for you not to go or come with you if you have to leave to do something.

Godzilla is incredibly controlling with you, he knows best after all, so why not listen to him? If you do things he doesn't like or separates you from him, he'll try and get you to stop it. Regardless if it makes you happy or not. Like going out flying? Nah, go swimming with him or for a walk? Want to stretch your wings and fly? Fine do it in the general vicinity, want to go see your family? No, he doesn't like them. His word is his law, literally, so he believes you should listen to him.

Obsessive, okay he's obsessed with you, now before you're together, he doesn't show it that much when you are, oh boy. Godzilla constantly is near you and acting clingy, he might even steal a small piece of you, nothing bad, maybe some fur, or a piece of a horn, or something else or whatever. He can't get you out of his mind, he has to have you, he has to have you, he has to have you, he has to have you.

Toxic, now your relationship is far from perfect, well, on your side anyway to Godzilla it's fine, so what he isolated you from your family and friends? Or how he's clingy? That's how he shows his love.

He's manipulative, he'll manipulate you to see him as the only titan you can trust and your view on others. So let's say a titan is too close to you? Yeah, he'll manipulate you into thinking they're bad, maybe he'll bring up their past if it's bad of course, or he'll destroy their reputation, and if that doesn't work Godzilla will just kill them, yeah he isn't above killing others.

Day-to-day life is fine, as long as you don't fight it. Besides being glued to the hip to him, anything that he finds fine, he'll let you do, maybe even join in. Godzilla can be affectionate, such as licking you, nuzzling you, and holding you, regardless if you are bigger or smaller than him, and if you're smaller expect him to carry you around. He'll be stocial around you but be a little soft around you, kinda like how his mood changed when he saw Mothra in GxK.

Now if you try to bring up any issues in your relationship, yeah he's going to gaslight you, "What, nothing is wrong" "(Reader) are you okay? You're acting weird" "Must be an issue on your end" he absolutely refuses that there's anything wrong, which makes him a little delusional, but he's very aware of what he's doing.

The only titan that can be near you other than him is his Mothra, he cares for her like a sister so he'll be willing to keep you near her. But any other titan, Godzilla will either tell them to back off or, well, he killed for less.

You try to break him with him.....yeah he'll gaslight and emotionally manipulate you. He would try and convince you to stop or say you don't know what you're doing. It'll hurt his ego a little that you want to leave him, so yeah. Now what separates him from Final Wars is he won't yell at you, he might raise his voice at you, but won't full-on yell at you. When he gets close to yelling he'll probably fire his atomic breath into the air as a way to burn off steam, which has the unintentional side effect of scaring you, which he doesn't do on purpose but...he won't complain.

You leave? Yeah, you're not getting far if at all. Godzilla will commend the Titans to go find you while he goes into a rage, think of how he was in GxK. He'll kill any titan that gets in his way of finding you. When Godzilla does find you, he'll be relieved and chastise you kinda like a child. You better believe after a stunt like that you won't be allowed away from him, for a long, long time

(Happy 10th anniversary for the Monsterverse and shut up I know I'm a day late)

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