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Godzilla woke up, his orange eyes scanned his surroundings for a moment, everything was the same, the water felt and sounded the same and there wasn't really any fish nearby, he rose from the ocean shaking some of the water off his head. The atomic reptile swam over to his island, his feet hitting the sand as he walked on it, he wandered around the island making sure everything was in order, well, mostly.

A power was something his mama told him about, it was a way to keep him away from cities, to help clench his hunger, urge to absorb the radiation to fill his pit of hunger, with the added bonus of becoming stronger. Godzilla stared at it before a light growl slipped out of his snout, he began seeing red, he didn't want that stupid radiation, he didn't want it, he hated it, hated it, Hated it.

The power plant was on fire, Godzilla turned around and walked away ignoring the damage the fire was causing on the island. Godzilla entered the ocean, his leaf-shaped dorsal plates disappeared underwater as he swam, Godzilla resurfaced in the distance was another island, a volcano was there slightly rumbling, but not doing any damage, it was just there.

Godzilla walked on the island, he continued walking his footsteps shaking the landscape as he walked, the atomic reptile stopped by the volcano, Godzilla looked down, and there was a hole, beside said hole was a nest, damaged by the ages of time. His orange eyes wandered back to the hole, and his angry, grumpy expression shifted into one of sadness.

"Father I don't think I can do it" A memory suddenly flooded into Godzilla's mind as he remembered something. "You can try it again," The bigger Godzilla said looking at the younger Godzilla with a stocial look written all over his snout. The little Godzilla closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth, a beam of radiation came out of his atomic breath damaged the landscape as it was fired, and the area was burnt and made into ash.

"Father I did it," The little Godzilla said turning to his father, his tail wagging. The Father however wasn't impressed as his tail hit the ground. "You destroyed some of the island" The father commented still keeping that same look on his face, before the little Godzilla could continue he followed it up, sorta lecturing him about how he needed to control it and not fire it willy-nilly. "Sorry," the little Godzilla mumbled.

"Don't apologize, be better" The bigger Godzilla mumbled looking down at the little Godzilla who genuinely felt bad. "You did, however, learn it faster than I did" This was followed up by a pat on the head. Which made the little Godzilla smile a little.

Godzilla sighed as he felt another memory begin manifesting inside his head. "FATHER, FATHER!" the little Godzilla cried running up to his father. The bigger Godzilla quickly grabbed a hold of him, giving him another head pat before looking at the kaiju that dared attack his son. It was mostly hazy after this, his father on top of him, trying to shield him from the attacks that were being shot down by the kaiju, that could somehow fly. Before he was lifted up and trapped in crystals, he hated crystals because of that event.

Another memory played like it was waiting for its turn. "Father, do I have a mother?" the little Godzilla questioned looking up at his father, the father stared down at him, his claws shifted a little as his tail swayed a little. "You have that human," the father Godzilla said alluding to the human that mothered him when he hatched. "Yeah, but shouldn't there be another one of you, to have me?" the little Godzilla questioned, he figured out that he wouldn't have been possible without his father having a mate.

The father Godzilla sighed he knew he was dancing around the topic, and apart from him was afraid if he told the little one the truth, he would hate him or not see him as a parent. "I don't know" Godzilla managed to speak, being his usual blunt self. "You don't know?" the little Godzilla blinked a little in surprise before he spoke in a confused tone. "You don't know?" the little one repeated, the little Godzilla heard what his father said clearly but wanted to make sure it was true. The father Godzilla blinked before he confessed everything, how he found him, his search for him, how he died and came back through a kaiju called "Rodan" and finally how he brought him here, to their island.

"B-but I'll see her, right? She'll search for me....right?" the little Godzilla questioned desperation laced in his tone. "Maybe" the little one deflated a little, he knew his father which basically meant either a no or probably not. "Why?" the little one mumbled he didn't know what he was questioning. Was it why he wouldn't see his mother? Or why was his egg there? Was he abandoned? The father sensed what was going on in his adoptive offspring.

Now Godzilla has been surprised a few times in his life, one of them is when his father picked him up and held him. It surprised him but he held back happily he even had the courage to ask him something that bothered him. "Do you love me?" The little Godzilla questioned resting his head on his father's head, he was innocent, sure he was growing up but he was still a kid so he didn't understand how serious of a question that was. The little Godzilla was wondering because when he was with his mama she was so gentle and nice with him while his father gave him tough love all the time, with hints of moments like this.

"Of course I love you," the father said, the atomic reptile understood why he might have thought this, he would admit he may be too hard on him sometimes but it was all out of love, trying to push him to be better than him. The little Godzilla was silent before he squealed with joy as held on tighter. "I love you too, Father" the little one giggled in happiness his father kept his stone-cold look as he did this, but for a brief moment a small smile appeared or one an atomic reptile could manage.

"Did you smile Father?" the little Godzilla questioned still in a giddy mode, the father let out a huff as the little continued on. "You smiled, I know you did" The father rolled his eyes as he set the little one back on the ground.

Now this memory was a double-edged sword, he would always remember this part that came soon after, a loud explosion before darkness, he woke up in the water, he briefly walked towards a beach before turning around and walking to the ocean to find his father. Before he heard his mama telling him to go into a city.

It hurt remembering the events that happened after, he taught some kaiju, found his father, explained why he looked the way he did, radiation...and he was killed by it, the kaiju the little one thought he defeated. Death felt weird it only felt like seconds passed after he blacked out from being dropped, his father was above him, and he managed to hear an "I love you" before he blacked out.

The little one woke up, he felt the same before it disappeared, he was stronger and really energized. He remembers it, how he felt so powerful like he could take on the whole world, he let out his father's iconic roar....

"Father, Father!" the atomic reptile yelled out with excitement which to the humans sounded like a few roars of excitement, kinda like a dog. The atomic reptile looked around the city and found it. His joyous, innocence, and excitement were replaced with sadness. He found bones and some burnt parts in a crater. Did his new look? That fire thing the radiation caused, kill him?

No, no, no. He refused to believe this was real, this was just some nightmare, and like any nightmare, he'd wake up, on Birth Island, his father would be sleeping, and everything would be fine. Over time the reality of the situation poured in, no it couldn't, HE'S NOT DEAD.

The atomic reptile called out for his father, tears streaming down his orange eyes, crying like the scared child he was. He wanted, no, needed him to answer, either with a roar or for him to appear either to comfort something, anything.

He quit crying, and silently he grabbed the remains and entered the ocean. A dagger stabbed through his heart as he saw his reflection, he looked just like him. Weeping he entered the ocean and swam away from the city, he came upon an island. It was an island that his father told him about, where he found his egg. The remnants of the nest were still there, pushing it to the side, he dug a hole and placed the remains inside the hole, burying them.

The following years were hard, he had a hard time hunting fish and fighting. His father only taught him the basics, the essentials, he was planning on teaching him more later...but later didn't happen...but he managed...he just had to grow up quickly.

Godzilla sighed as he looked at the grave.

"I love you, father...I hope to see you again"

Junior said before turning around and walking into the ocean.

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