CH 1» PG. 3

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» Trophys eyes fluttered open, his muscles sore and swollen due to his excessive training. With a groan, the man forced himself out of bed; Already far too annoyed by the sound of the children's laughter and the birds' chirping. All he wanted was peace and quiet.
The Princes' feet hit the ground with a thud before he stood, stretching his wings before tucking them back into place, a feather slowly grazing the wooden floors.

The Princes' feet hit the ground with a thud before he stood, stretching his wings before tucking them back into place, a feather slowly grazing the wooden floors

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(If salt don't want him I do.)

His gaze lingered on the mirror for far too long before he looked away, taking a deep breath. The man forced open the double doors leading to his room, pulling himself out and snatching a plain black shirt from his servants' hands with shocking intensity.

What could've got him so worked up today?

Well, there is a simple answer; Nothing. Trophys Rage and demeanor demanded submission from His fellow angels; and dare I mention his village people'. The boy was impatient,, he could not wait another second to be king. And that was just his problem. Patience was necessary for a future ruler; especially a king.

Most admired a calm yet demanding, or patient yet involved king, and trophy, unfortunately possesed none of these attributes. He preferred to do what he liked, a tactic in which many disapproved of , but who were they to speak against the one and only- Prince trophy.

His wings fluttered, giving him leverage from the ground. It was a small gesture. flying was not permitted inside of the castle.. for obvious reasons- Considering Trophys temper. Most angles subsided in his kingdom; the kingdom of gold. If not; townsfolk that possessed riches remained. This kingdom was considered the 'Privileged' kingdom. And that's how it always was.. well.. how it would've stayed if Queen Goldie hadn't changed these rules after the war..

His dark platforms hit the steps, the clattering and clicking of his shoes hitting the ground echoing throughout the castle, the sound could've been stuck in your head. His gaze fell onto a few family photographs, Trophy and Queen Goldie stood side by side in each one, not one included trophys father. If so, the face was torn out of frame.

Though occasionally finding himself overcome by curiosity; trophy believed it was best to move on. This prince hated dwelling on the past, what's done is done and there was no reason to bring it up. He already knew everything that had happened before the war! Right?

His body stiffened for a moment as it observed the missing man's choice of atture and fashion the rings on his finger and the dark polished nails.
Trophy scoffed. He continued his descend downstairs, and out into the empty corridor, startled by the sudden voice of his mother.

Goldie chirped, grabbing him by his shoulders. Trophys breath was caught in his throat. "Mother! You scared the.. i- Nevermind.." The man paused, his mother's smile was contagious. He snickered, glancing at her.

"So.. How was your visit to the kingdom of spices? Was it as bad as the foreigners fortell'?"
-"Don't be rude, trophy." Her gaze hardened, before softening again. She couldn't remain frustrated with him for more than five seconds; he was the only thing she had left..

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