☆ CH.2 PG.3 ☆

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    Ink scrapped against Paper; boredom overtook yin as silverspoon continued;
"–Oh, and we cannot forget the cameras! Better safe than sorry, isn't that right, Prince yin?
Yin forced a smile, humoring him. It dropped almost instantly as he took his eyes off of the man.. His gaze shifted onto the grandfather clock; The clock struck 2:00pm. Almost immediately he grabbed the papers, pushing them into silverspoon's arms

"Silver, would you be a darling and wrap these up? Place them in the library after, you know how I like it. Oh– Please."
Silverspoon scoffed, gagged. "And where do you think you're going? You have much papers to attend to young man, and i–"

The doors were suddenly opened, interrupting silverspoon abruptly. In came queen candle; her steps both elegant and full of purpose.

 In came queen candle; her steps both elegant and full of purpose

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Silverspoon froze up as she glanced at him, and then back at yin. "Yin.. have you finished your filing?"
–"Well..not quite, Mother. There's like hundreds of them, so, I'll do the other half tomorrow–..and..I've got a schedule."
Suddenly, yin asked–

"Mother...However do you feel about demons..?"
She froze, eyes narrowing a bit. Silverspoon looked back at the two of them, his smile dropping and he pressed his teeth together nervously. However, candle kept her cool.

"..Well. ive..I've never seen one throughout these past years, so I find the topic irrelevant. however..I do think they can redeem themselves. And..if..they're still more.. maybe they can be accepted. Everywhere."
–She mumbled the last bit, glancing down at the glossy tiles.

"M-my queen.."
silverspoon dropped the papers, rushing over to her. he hesitantly put a hand out,  trembling slightly.

..Yins brows furrows slightly, noting the shift in the atmosphere.

'Why do I cause tension everywhere I go? I need to shut up..'

Yin looked down, worried.
"..I...i-ill..Go now. Im..im sorry, mother."

"It's not your fault." Candle forced a smile as he went, sighing and looking away shortly, and then back at silverspoon. She noticed his trembling hands, how red he looked.

 She noticed his trembling hands, how red he looked

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