CH. 1》 PG 2

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The girl stirred tirelessly in her bed, groans of both frustration and annoyance leaving her mouth. It was cold; It had woken her up. With the branches of the trees thrashing against her window, and the occasional Tick of the clock, she was overthinking everything. If she had known this was Destin to be her reality, she would've run away, somewhere far, somewhere with little to no rules. She'd clench the necklace around her neck, caressing the gem with her thumb. Suddenly, the sound of...Glass shattering caused her to jump up.

Glass shattering caused her to jump up

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..Odd. Nights like these were usually quiet and went undisturbed. She froze in place for a moment as the noise grew louder, thrashing and shuffling. there it was again, another loud, crash, but none seemed to notice. Not even her guards. The girl slowly stood, slipping on her pink heels as she made her way out of her room. Her heels clicked and chimed against the marble floors, passing with no repercussions. With a final glance at her crown, she clenched the gem around her neck before proceeding.

Salt managed to make it outside, unnoticed...

Salt began to approach the source of the Sound with caution. Despite being afraid, there was a certain thrill, a rush of adrenaline salt received from doing this. She curled her bottom lip; It felt so wrong, but at the same right. She felt free. A chill ran up her spine as a cold gush of air passed, causing her to gasp and shudder. Going out in a dress wasn't the best idea; But what else could she do? Was she overthinking again? Maybe it was a stray.. but then again, the noise was consistent.

Whilst passing a large trash can with an iron lid, she'd snatch a dirty sheet from the bucket and groaned as she put it over her head, but she couldn't bear the risk of being noticed.

The princess peaked around a corner before spotting a..woman. Shorter than herself, with many different features. She couldn't see her face from behind of course, but she seemed to be holding a duffle bag bag full of riches.

A thief! Salt gasped to herself, breaking her cover.. the girl turned, her eyes slightly narrowed.

A hand flew overl salts mouth as she heaved, struggling to resist the urge to take another look

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A hand flew overl salts mouth as she heaved, struggling to resist the urge to take another look. Was that.. Pepper?

'Peppers name has been thrown around town numerous times; 'Twas impossible to avoid. There had been countless accusations of her witchery; None proved true.
Rarely she was out in public; maybe to avoid suspicion? Rumors? Pepper had a missing eye, and it was never revealed why, but many had their theories. The girl let out a faint grunt before picking up a bag full of items, none of which seemed to be her own. Salt couldn't just let her steal the townspeople's things! She stepped out from around the corner just as the girl turned, calling out;
His voice was quieter than intended; Cowardly even. Upon the eyes of the princess, Pepper seemed unphased. Instead, she fled. Salt flinched as she went, looking around for any help, but again, nothing was heard but silence. Salt had to go after her! The girl ran after Pepper, but it wasn't like it was anything spectacular. Pepper was faster than Salt by a long shot. She gasped in surprise when Pepper used a garbage bin as leverage to pull herself on top of a rooftop propelling herself up before glancing monetarily at Salt before continuing to escape.

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