✧CH. 2 PG.4✧

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I'd pace around the throne room, my entire being tense, stressed. I had called paintbrush over, the one knight I knew I'd rely on to do this..my request would be insane, but I knew it was necessary.  Suddenly the gates flew open, revealing said knight in its wake.
"Paintbrush!" I said, a smile forming on my face..
"What is it? You said at Ten, Correct?" They said, concern etched onto their features. My smile fades, I stepped closer. "Paintbrush.. d-do you know about the forth kingdom?"
Immediately paintbrush let out a groan.
"Not you too! What Is it with you guys? This fourth kingdom nonsense is a myth and–"

"–It isn't,  I swear! I..I found documents, in the basement.. i swear, it's real.. i.. I don't want to reveal anything to the public, I would rather die than start an uproar among every kingdom.. but.. it exists, somewhere over seas.. a-and appearently,  the ruler of the kingdom is related to me! My sibling!..who was born a demon..! so...I need you to..Yknow.."
I'd explain in a hushed voice, and as I did so, paintbrush seemed to catch on fairly quickly.

"Oh fuck yin, are you asking me to Sail overseas!? To find a 'Kingdom?' Have you lost your wits, yin!?"
–"Paintbrush, please..you know I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't trusted you! Please."
–The prince pleaded. The vulnerability in his eyes made paintbrushes heart swell, he couldn't say no to yin, his best friend!

"..If it provides you closure or comfort,  it'd be my honor as your knight.." paintbrush declared, bowing their head before turning away with a solem smile.
"..Thank you.." Yin breathed out, placing a hand on his chest.

As the doors to the throne room shut the knight strutted towards the Docks, only for fan to pop up beside them.

"Paintbrush, what is it? Why did prince yin call you in? Are you in trouble?"
The young man berated, grabbing their forearm. They shuffled away from him; watching as test tube and lightbulb also popped up from beside them.

"Yeah, what he said," lightbulb began– "What's wrong now? yin wouldn't call you in without a reason.."

..paintbrush paused, taking a deep breath.
"Yins feeding into the idea of a fourth kingdom being around..he claims he has..well.. 'Documents.' So, I will be going on a trip overseas."
–"Can we-"
"Alone, fan." Paintbrush spat, glaring down at the younger man with an icy gaze. Fan squeaked, letting out a sigh and looking away..,

–"I knew it!"
Cried test tube– "I knew we weren't crazy–"
"Dont get ahead of yourselves, now." The knight furrowed their brows, looking down.
"When i am finished with my Journey, I will report back to you guys as soon as possible."

The three friends paused, glancing at one another as they would watch paintbrush drift off to the sidelines.

...Once the knight reached the Docks,  they found the ship already loaded with different supply.

'Someone's already thinking ahead..', paintbrush thought, taking a deep breath. They'd board the ship, glancing around the kingdom for the last time.. they'd probaly be sailing for days..to find nothing.
'..Atleast they didn't follow me on..'
They thought, looking through different ceate for a few minutes before taking a small dagger from their holster and cutting the ropes anchoring the ship down. A few Peasants would stare, with confusion and astonishment. As much as paintbrush desired so much to tell them to go on with their days; it was no use. It was pointless.

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