☆ CH.2 PG. 7 ☆

199 6 54

LAST CHAPTER BEFORE CHAPTER 3, THE FINAL CHAPTER! also I did amnawt proofread, I am SO busy dude

The ship collided with the docks– The four gasping and shouting as the solders shoved the group off of the ship. Paintbrush let out a deep yelp, muscles tense as they landed on their left wing.

With hatred in their eyes, they watched as the ship pulled off..had nobody noticed? Fan was close to helping paintbrush up, eager to ensure their safety.. but after remembering that they'd rather run off than help him, he pulled back, sorrow etched across his features.

"..M-my- my journal!" Fan exclaimed, it wasn't on his being.
–"..it's fine fan.." Test tube sighed, looking back at paintbrush.
–"We'll get you another."

–"But..that one was special! I've had it for years– from the morning we all met, till now."
—"Forget it, fan.. w-we have to report to‐"

"–Paintbrush stop.."
Test tube said, her fist clenched. "..we just discovered something.. new. we learned that there's more to this, and that's amazing! But.. the three of us? We need a break."

She said, placing a hand on fans shoulder.
–"..We're scared, okay? We aren't like you, we aren't knights. Fan is probably insanely startled!"

Paintbrush froze, keeping a firm grip on their wing..  she was right. She was. They'd watch as the three walked off, a look of both sorrow and frustration etched on their faces. Fan looked back at them momentarily before looking ahead.

'Forget it.'
Paintbrush thought, as they gripped their holster,  making sure the documents were still there. All they'd have to do it get them to yin, and then this will all brush over.. but.. what yang Said still haunted Paintbrush.  What did he mean by his words? They'd just have to find out.

The prince slowly emerged from his bed, his head booming. The headache was unbearable and he couldn't see straight...nor could he think straight.  What time was it..? It was still quite dark outside. Yin glanced at the old Grandfather clock before looking down at the sleeping figure beside him, all the memories from the previous night flooding back to him.. damn it.

Yins face flushed a gentle maroon hue as he took in knifes sleeping figure and messy hair that fell over his face. The prince would blush slightly before sitting up, pulling his robe over his head. The palace was quiet, dim as well. The man grabbed a box of matches, scrapping it against the sides before lighting a candle, shaking the match profusely before it went out.

Yin let out yawn as he began making his way to the throne room before hearing what.. sounded like muffled voices. Silver spoons voice stuck out like a sore thumb. Slowly, yin approached on of the larger doors in the castle, listening closely..

"Silver, We can't keep this a secret forever."

Queen candle said, the sorrow in her tone evident. The butler glanced down at the floor before looking back at her. "–M-my queen...candle, are you... are.. we sure we want to go through with this? It'll shatter yin."

–"It's for the best, dear' silver.. Remember, he promised us. All debts will be solved."

"–But he's a liar! He cannot be trusted, we trusted him with salts father and we...saw how he ended up. He's the reason for all of this, and if he starts another war after this supposed marriage, we..we're  done for!"

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