☆CH. 2 PG.6☆

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• The two man twister. The gulping nine. The hanky panky.. DO NOT JUDGE ME I HAVEN'T DONE THIS??
• ♡=Getting intense or whatever, do NAWT compare me to a booktok girl, I REFUSE to say spice, only silly phrases,,

☆THIS WILL BE A LONG PAGE Over 4000 words, we are approaching a new chapter!

–Yins movements during training were sloppier than usual. He'd drop the weapon occasionally and would stumble backwards; obviously, there was something on his mind which affected him greatly.. he had been acting odd ever since the night they ran into each other. Though, afterwards, they had grabbed a meal and chatted, yet, there was still a problem lingering in the back of the young prince's mind.

Yins back hit the ground as he collapsed, knifes spear flying right beside his head. Knife lowered his weapon, tossing it to the side.

"–What's up with you?"
—He'd ask, brows furrowing. He had grown a liking to yin, and slowly but surely, he was gaining one for pickle. Again.
The boy sighed, his eyes full of distrust and worry. Yin stuck out like a sore thumb when he was upset.. Though, he was safe with knife..

Why wouldnt he be.

"I- I sent paintbrush out to sea to...well..t-try to find the fourth kingdom."

Knifes eyes widened a smudge, there was more.. fear than shock in his eyes.

"Are-..Are you insane!? Why the fuck would you even think of doing that!"
Knife barked, stepping closer to yin. Yin unsurprisingly stood his ground, placing the tips of his fingers against knifes broad chest and shoving him back, just a bit.

"Im not crazy! I know you know something, don't try to deny it!.."
Yin paused, sighing. Despite all the anger and frustration currently bubbling within him, his frustrations would not remain present for long. Especially towards a guy like knife.

"..I just hope they're okay.. and..maybe..hoping i was wrong. Just for My friends' safety..m-maybe I am a bit obsessed...i- I mean this could all be fake! Maybe I was dreaming, m-maybe...I don't know.."

Knifes expression softened, letting a deep sigh escape his lungs. They wouldnt find it anyways..right?
–"Relax, yin.  Paintbrush will...be fine." Knife placed a hand on yins shoulder, their nails digging into his flesh. guilt gnawed at the convicts' soul, The look of trust in yins eyes hurt him deeply. A thin smile formed on yins lips before he glanced down at the ground, his grip on the weapon loosening.

"..I really appreciate your company...you've.. turned yourself around, honestly! I'm..proud of you. I-its been only a few days but.." yin forcefully swallowed the lump forming in his throat, looking down at the mat.
"..I..think I like you! Really, really like you.."

Knife would paused for a bit, a certain..pit forming in his stomach. It couldn't have been love. But he was so close; so close to getting what he wanted, what he needed.

And it wasn't yin.

But, knife was torn between his decisions.
Should he follow his heart or his head, his mission? Yang would surely turn him in to...Their higher up. If he ever figured out, that is. Sure, they both wanted different things..but.. What damage could possibly occur?

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